
《致朋友——勇往直前》此文收录于赵梅阳《路遥知马力——开启感悟之门》总文集-第九十一子文集《莫愁前路无知己》中。此诗同时收录于《赵梅阳:诗致朋友》集。时间:2019年12月17日……以此送给我那遥遥无期的奋斗征程……风花雪月雪花飘飘,我在等你。雪兆丰年,丹凤朝阳。雪化无痕,悠悠瑞照。雪后初霁,桃李争妍。【创作素材来源赵梅阳2019年12月17日Wechat:zmy089】I'm working overtime in the lake yard.Enjoy the cold water with the geese.来湖小院,与鹅共赏I'll wait for you in the forest.我在等你Heavy snow means a good harvest the next year. Live in this beautiful era, show your talents, show your skills, and be worthy of yourself.雪兆丰年,丹凤朝阳









2019年12月17日,朝来森林公园,赵梅阳摄影After the heavy snow, the sky is clear and everything is full of life. Interest oriented, find a suitable position, life is bright.雪后初霁,桃李争妍







2019年12月17日,朝来森林公园,赵梅阳摄影The snow melted and left no trace. Time is long, only sunshine shines.雪化无痕,悠悠瑞照I hereby wish my dear friends:Keep your head up, stride forward, never stop;All the past experiences you have experienced are precious experience in life;Only looking forward to the future, can we have vitality. These are the elements of dream realization;But we must live in the present moment, only by enduring humiliation can we move forward solidly.祝福朋友:昂首阔步,永不停息;所有过往,均为人生难得之阅历;憧憬未来,均为梦想实现之要素;活在当下,均为忍者坚强之写照…We often talk about poetry and distance.What are they?I think it's just the fusion of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism.Confucianism emphasizes entering the society and making its own contribution to the country and the people.At the same time, the Confucian thought that only from small to large, can we make achievements for the family, for the country and for the world.Taoism emphasizes inaction, and believes that nature has its own laws, and we can only do something if we follow them.In Taoism, water is often used to describe Tao. There is a saying that goodness is like water.Buddhist thought emphasizes that cause and effect have retribution, and good karma is afterlife.In Buddhism, only compassion, empathy, and appreciation of the feelings of all things can be justified.诗与远方…到底是什么无非就是…儒家的入世情怀家国天下道家的大道无为寓水之道佛家的因果善缘悲欣情怀Heavy snow is coming to BeijingHeavy snow is coming to Beijing.The snow is flying大雪纷飞中艺平台八赏系列服务参照表(2021年3月19日发布)八赏系列服务对象服务条件&资格作品欣赏古圣先哲因地制宜随缘拍摄制作作品雅赏艺术家获入驻平台艺术家推荐作品鉴赏艺术家推荐艺术家来入驻平台作品珍赏知名艺术家结缘级服务|一星级服务作品私赏知名艺术家一星级服务|二星级服务作品观赏艺术展览者二星级服务|三星级服务作品竞赏服务有缘人三星级服务|四星级服务作品名赏服务有缘人四星级服务|五星级服务中艺平台参与条件及星级外包服务标准(2021年3月11日发布)服务级别服务内容服务条件服务费用结缘级服务艺术结缘人随机编码作品雅赏艺术家机构|基金免费展示作品说话一星级服务营销策划师分类梳理系统策划知名艺术家作品有眼缘2万元/年一次支付二星级服务服务整合商市场推荐全面整合知名艺术家有结缘作品4万元/年一次支付三星级服务事业合作者授权代理量身打造服务有缘人需现场考察金额面议代理协议四星级服务艺术经纪人全权运营价值再造服务有缘人需现场考察金额面议经纪协议五星级服务战略合伙人独家经营战略合作服务有缘人需现场考察金额面议合作协议(点击此处可查阅2015年服务标准)(高星级享有低星级所有服务,合作在公众号留言)中艺平台推荐人【全球艺术家编码0189】点击进入推荐人页面作品欣赏作品雅赏作品鉴赏作品珍赏作品私赏国画家书法家油画家艺术家中艺平台创始人说大师之道艺观万象艺术金融诗与远方【声明】除有特别标注外,本文(及/或插图、配乐、摄影及摄像作品)之著作权由赵梅阳所有。未经著作权人许可,任何刊物、媒体、网站或个人不得转载、链接、转帖或以其他任何形式发表或发布。[Statement] Except when specified, allrights of this article (including illustrations, soundtracks, photography andvideo works, etc) are reserved by the authors, Zhao Meiyang. No journal, media,website or individual is allowed to reproduce, link, repost or in any otherforms publish the work without permission.

