
Title: 【GEO Solar term original works calling】When jīngzhé meets with the day we learn from Leifeng, anything good germinating?
©️陶理 Hermione
2020.03.04 13:54
1:54 pm, 4th March 2020
摄政公园 英国伦敦
Regent's Park, London, UK
Either running in the rain alone
Or walking in the rain together
We are all enjoying the moment
The above is an example to show what I will present your work in relation to the solar term, I will need participants to provide 5 essential information:
  1. 自己拍摄或绘制、制作的一件原创展品,需要是在当地时间2020年3月5号完成的,包括但不限于摄影作品、画作、雕塑、行为艺术;
  2. 自己作为创作者想用的名字;
  3. 如果是摄影作品,建议拍摄的时间具体到分钟,如14:42;
  4. 你的地点看自己的感觉,国内建议省级行政单位具体到地级市或直辖市或特区,方便我找经纬度,国外看自己的习惯吧,城市名或村名就可以,不用给我太过具体的;
  5. 你想配的文字,我建议是一句,如果实在想说更多也可以是一段,但还请尽量超过200字;
  1. the original artwork can be the photo you take or your drawings, and more than that, but it needs to be done the day: 5th March 2020;
  2. The name you would like to you as an artist;
  3. If it is a photo, I would recommend a time, e.g. 14:42;
  4. You are the one who can decide your location details, I would recommend to mention the city or county or special adminstrative zone's name you live in, which helps me to locate the longtitude and latitude; if you live abroad, either the city's name or the village's name works.
  5. The words you want to use as a companion to the artwork you sent to me; I suggest you only use one sentence, but it can be a paragraph if you have more to say, but try not to go longer than 200 words.
In general, I would like to remind you of capturing the beauty in your life.
Hope that you would like to share the beauty you see through GEO.
