2019年2月19日,美国佐治亚南方大学修辞学和英语荣誉教授Richard Nordquist在ThoughtCo 网站发表文章,The Most Beautiful-Sounding Words in English(最好听的英语单词)。文章说:
“美国公共演讲俱乐部”1911年举办的一次“最美单词”竞选中,有几个单词还被认为是“不够美丽”的,它们是:grace(优雅), truth(真),justice(正义)。
当时的讲演术畅销书作者Grenville Kleiser就此评点说:grace中的g和justice中的j,听起来都有点刺耳,故这两个词不够格。Truth有金属般的声音,也不能入选。评委们比较认可的几个单词是melody(旋律), virtue(美德), harmony(和谐),hope(希望)。
多年来,举办过无数次关于最好听英语单词的游戏性的调查,多次入选的单词包括:lullaby(摇篮曲), gossamer(轻纱), murmuring(喁喁), luminous(发光), Aurora Borealis(北极光),velvet(天鹅绒)。
当《纽约先驱论坛报》询问诗人Dorothy Parker最好听的单词时,她说最好听的词是cellar-door(地窖门)。不过她个人喜欢的单词是check(核查)和enclosed(封闭的)。
语文学家Willard R. Espy在其著作《榜单大全》(Book of Lists)第二卷中,将gonorrhea(淋病)列为10个最好听词汇之一。
另一位诗人Rosanne Coggeshall女士选择的单词是sycamore(悬铃树,美国梧桐)。
墨西哥裔美国散文家和词典编撰者Ilan Stavans对英国文化委员会组织的最美词汇调查推出的老套结果(入选者包括mother(母亲)、 passion(激情)、smile(笑容)等)嗤之以鼻,他提出了以下选项:moon(月亮), wolverine(貂熊),anaphora(回指), precocious(早熟)。
小说家亨利.詹姆斯说,他觉得最美词汇是summer afternoon(夏日之午后)。
当英国散文家Max Beerbohm得知gondola(贡多拉,威尼斯小划船)已被选为最美单词时回答说,scrofula(淋巴结核)听起来同gogndola也差不多嘛。
5 位诗人选出的最美英文单词
5 Poets On The Most Beautiful Words In The English Language
5 位诗人选出的最美英文单词
5 Poets On The Most Beautiful Words In The English Language
小译曾给大家整理过 12 个最具意境美的单词,小伙伴们还记得吗?不过,100 个观众眼中就有 100 个哈姆雷特,情人眼里出西施,审美可是最没有规则的一项活动啦!不信,咱们就看看诗人眼中的最美单词吧!会不会让你大吃一惊呢?Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder—or the ear of the listener—but when it comes to discerning the most beautiful words in the English language, there's some objectivity at play.
Whether for their pleasant sounds or their resounding meanings, these five words were selected by five poets as the most beautiful in the English language:
A一The most beautiful words in English have to be the shortest. These are words we barely perceive; that occur as entities, rather than machines of sense. A is no more than a letter, approaching the confusing self-sameness of an image or random mark. I choose this famous short word because it refers to a quality things have, in being among others, or, peculiarly, not among: A is to say, “It is one of them,” or, simply, “It is one.” As where a feather clings to a bottle of oil in one of my favorite novels: “a” feather, “a” bottle, “a” life.
Belittle is my favorite word this week, mainly because it provides an instance of the act it refers to, being a belittling term for finding fault with something. It denotes the kind of criticism that makes something smaller than it really is, the work of spiteful, envious minds. And if that isn't enough to make it endearing, it is an American coinage, appearing first in Webster's, and is adopted by the English only after being rejected by them as a barbarism. First they belittled belittle, and then they embraced it. A suspenseful story with a happy ending.
Belittle(轻视)是我本周最喜欢的单词,主要是因为它代表的动作意义,是你在挑剔某事时用来表示轻视的一个用词。它表示一种批评,降低事物的实际重要性,是怀有恶意的嫉妒者的作品。如果这还不够让你爱上它,我还有其他理由。这个词由美国人发明,最早出现在韦伯斯特词典中,最初英国人将其视为野蛮用语拒绝使用,后来才接受。他们先是轻视 “belittle” 这个词,然后又接受它。一个有着美好结局的悬疑故事。
Clarity清晰Clearly, to choose the most beautiful word is impossible. Maybe a simple word? Helen Vendler calls you the “human love-syllable” (in Shakespeare's Sonnets). But, you is not always beautiful (see Shakespeare's Sonnets). John Keats's Urn says that “Beauty is truth, truth beauty.” So, the most beautiful word must mean something beautiful (truthfully). I turned to another poet, George Oppen, who wrote: “Clarity, clarity, surely clarity is the most beautiful thing in the world.”A word that means brilliancy, splendor, and clearness of color, atmosphere, sight, intellect, judgment, conscience, style. I choose clarity.
Dusk黄昏In poetry, because every word must count, each word gets, what Gregory Corso once called, “the beauty shot.” When I asked my wife Connie Lewallen what word she considered the most beautiful, she answered quickly, Dusk. At first, I misheard her to have said Dust, probably because, just a few days before, I had started a poem “Late snow dusts New York hurrah...” Later, Connie and I agreed that garage is also a very beautiful word, right up there with that old chestnut cellar door. This proceeds ad infinitum. But for now, let's go with Connie's Dusk.
在诗歌中,每个单词都要有意义,正如格雷戈里·科尔索所言,每个单词都是一个“特写”。我问我的太太康妮·列瓦伦她认为最美的单词是什么,她立刻回答道“Dusk(黄昏)”。开始我误听为Dust(灰尘),可能是因为几天前我写了一首诗,开头就是“晚雪拂去了纽约狂欢的灰尘……”。后来康妮和我都认为“garage(车库)”也是很美的一个单词,与其具有同等地位的还有古老的栗色,“cellar door(地窖门)”。这样就说不完了,但是现在,我选择的是康妮的“Dusk”。
Ever曾经In the various languages I've come to know, there's nothing like the English ever. Never is easy to find: nunca in Spanish, nikdy in Czech. It's a necessary fist of a word, a way to end a conversation. Ever is the eccentric hand that keeps gesturing, that doesn't care if it sounds emotional: Would you ever consider moving in with me... ever think you might... It can mean once, or mean always. It can speak to a shared history. As ever... I've signed off jauntily on emails to friends. It's a reason for writing poetry. I get to mess around with ever.
我从未在其他语言中听到类似英语“ever(曾经)”的词。可以很容易找到“never(从不)”:西班牙语种是“nunca”,捷克语中是 “nikdy”。 “Ever”是一个很必要、很有力的词,是用来结束对话的一种方法。“Ever”就像是不停作手势的一只怪手,并不在乎发音是否有感情:你考虑过搬到我这儿来吗……你想过自己会…… “Ever”可以表示曾经,也可以表示永远。我们提及共同的经历时,可以用“ever”,我在给朋友发邮件的时候就曾洋洋得意地写道 “As ever…”。它是写诗的一个原因,我心已被它搅扰。
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