wasting time is guilty

  I always wonder: How  should i distribute my time properly?  there is no definite answer.

  confucious  once said:  life of human being is limited while there is no  limition of knowledge.

  Ten years passede away since i  dreamed of entering chinese foreigh language university , the bubble of the dream burst which not noly hurt my heart but make life harder , when you enter a career where your advantages diminish or dim, it is a tragedy.

  Anyway, life is full of choice and occasion. butterfly swing, Peking rainstorm. We should catch any occasion  and transform it  into  oppotunity,

  People are easily indulged into movie,tv drama bubbles,  then feel regret when they  feel  time had been wasted. one thousand years ago, the motto said: time passed  away entravanously.

  So i get  an  inclusion: wasting time is guity, we should use limited time to improve  our skill, to make ourselves better educated . The form of education  is  abundent: self-education, online learning, one-one teaching, enrlloved by university as full time students...

  Today ,our time is just like our soldiers, you are general, you are your own leader, if you distribut your  soldier  along  the frontline of entertament,   if you consider gambit\computer game are your battlefield  and distribute  your time-soldiers  on it ,your achivments will only be limited in the scope of  virual reality.

So  everyday we should ask ourselves ,  have we been better than yesterday? If not,why.

