

Certain fractures are apt to cause secondary injuries and these should always be assumed to have occurred until proved otherwise:

· Thoracic injuries – Fractured ribs or sternum may be associated with injury to the lungs or heart. It is essential to check cardiorespiratory function.

· Spinal cord injury – With any fracture of the spine, neurological examination is essential to: (1) establish whether the spinal cord or nerve roots have been damaged and (2) obtain a baseline for later comparison if neurological signs should change.

· Pelvic and abdominal injuries – Fractures of the pelvis may be associated with visceral injury. It is especially important to enquire about urinary function; if a urethral or bladder injury is suspected, diagnostic urethrograms or cystograms may be necessary.

·Pectoral girdle injuries – Fractures and dislocations around the pectoral girdle may damage the brachial plexus or the large vessels at the base of the neck. Neurological and vascular examination is essential.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》P694


apt to 易于;有...倾向

assume  /əˈsuːm/

vt. 假定;僭取;篡夺;夺取;擅用;侵占vi. 设想;承担;采取

Thoracic  /θo'ræsɪk/adj. [解剖] 胸的;[解剖] 胸廓的

sternum  /ˈstɜːrnəm/n. [解剖] 胸骨;[昆] 胸板

cardiorespiratory  /,kɑrdɪorɪs'paɪrətəri/adj. 心和肺的

spinal cord or nerve roots脊髓或神经根

Pelvic /ˈpelvɪk/adj. 骨盆的

pelvis  /ˈpelvɪs/n. 骨盆

visceral injury内脏损伤  /ˈvɪsərəl/adj. 内脏的;出于本能的;发自肺腑的;粗俗的

urethral  /ju'ri:θrəl/adj. [解剖] 尿道的

bladder /ˈblædər/n. 膀胱;囊状物,可充气的囊袋


Pectoral girdle injuries胸带的伤害

Pectoral  /ˈpektərəl/n. 胸饰;治疗胸肺药物adj. 胸的;肺病的


girdle 腰带;围绕物;妇女紧身褡








