【火腿快新闻】Florence HamFest 2016丨意大利佛罗伦萨火腿节本周末开幕


The Florence HamFest 2016 , International Ham Radio Fair will be held in Pistoia Italy, on 21 and 22 May 2016.


Florence HamFest, along to a large commercial stands area, has also a wide Flea-Market dedicated to Amateur Radio enthusiasts including Antique Radio, Boat anchors, military and surplus.


All major amateur radio brands will be represented, including ICOM, Kenwood, Yaesu, Elecraft, Begali, MFJ, Diamond, OM Power,  MicroHam, AmpliTech, Acom, EAntennas, DX Patrol, M&P,  BHI, CAIG laboratories , Pro Adudio Engineering, 9A5N Paddles, Power Poles and more.

所有主流业余无线电品牌都将在展会上亮相,包括 ICOM, Kenwood, Yaesu, Elecraft, Begali, MFJ, Diamond, OM Power,  MicroHam, AmpliTech, Acom, EAntennas, DX Patrol, M&P,  BHI, CAIG laboratories , Pro Adudio Engineering, 9A5N Paddles, Power Poles和其他品牌。

Along to the classic ham fair will be possible to take part to the Homebrew Contest, the ARRL exam session, the “ARI VHF and Upper” Convention and the DXCC Check Desk.

和一些经典的无线电集会一样,本次展会会加入自制装备比赛,ARRL考试环节、“ARI VHF and Upper” 大会和DXCC登记柜台。

This year the HamFest will be held in Pistoia, in a new exposition site that offers a larger parking, a 2500-meter square exposition area. The event is very close to the A11 motorway and close to Pistoia Rail Station.


Florence HamFest is an event dedicated exclusively to Amateur Radio managed by members of A.R.I. Radio Club of Firenze.

意大利佛罗伦萨火腿节是 A.R.I. 佛罗伦萨无线电俱乐部成员成立的专门为业余无线电爱好者打造的盛事。

Hams from several european countries has been confirmed as visitors and expositors.


HamFest is a trademark registered in Italy and used with authorization.

For the complete list of expositors and additional information, including driving directions  please visit the official web site:





