【火腿快新闻】通联到南极​ | 南极洲和南美洲火腿首次卫星通联

First Satellite Contact Between Antarctica and South America Reported


The Radio Club of Argentina (RCA) and AMSAT-LU have announced the first satellite contact between Argentinean Antarctica and mainland Argentina on February 28 via SO-50. The RCA’s website reports the historic contact was arranged by the Radio Club of Argentina and AMSAT-LU.

阿根廷无线电俱乐部 (RCA) and AMSAT-LU宣布在2月28日通过SO-50卫星实现了在南极大陆和阿根廷本土的首次通联。RCA官网报道了此次历史性的时刻。

Marcelo Duca, LU1AET, and Federico Mainz, LU5UFM, had studied the passes of various amateur satellites over Argentina. Duca was at Carlini Antarctic Base, May 25 Island, South Shetland, in Argentinean Antarctica, while Mainz was in Miramar, in Buenos Aires Province on the mainland — a distance of nearly 2700 kilometers.

Marcelo Duca, LU1AET, 和 Federico Mainz, LU5UFM 研究了飞跃阿根廷上空的数颗业余无线电卫星。Duca 当时在南极洲得兰群岛南部的May 25岛的Carlini南极基地,,Mainz当时在在布宜诺斯艾利斯省的Miramar,两者距离近2700公里。

“At the appointed hour, Marcelo (with Carlos, LU1BCE, at his side) made the first call from Carlini Base via SO-50. He got an immediate reply from Federico in Miramar. They exchanged signal reports and talked for more than 2 minutes,” The RCA website recounts. Duca was running 15 W, while Mainz was running just 4 W using a hand-held transceiver.

“在约定好的时间内,Marcelo第一次通过 SO-50呼叫另一边的 Carlos, LU1BCE,随后他很快收到了在 Miramar的Federico的回复,他们交换了信号报告,同时交流了大概2分钟时间。”据RAC官网描述。Duca当时使用15W功率,Mainz仅仅使用4W手持收发设备。



