【聚焦】影音中国“大师问答Ask the Guru! ”第六期

本期的“大师问答Ask the Guru! ”栏目总共收集了六个问题,从某个层面来说,概括了我们这个栏目的特色之一:理论联系实际。不管你是在构建家庭影院时碰到难题,还是对于某些“江湖传闻”持怀疑态度,都可以留言让我们帮忙解决,来者不拒哦。


Gerry Lemay(HAA家庭声学联盟创始人与主席 ):

Both ideas will result in greater bass capability, but there are two other factors to consider.  First, a larger sub will typically have better low frequency extension.  There are several very large subs being manufactured these days which have powerful bass response down to 20 Hz and below.  It’s hard not to choose such a sub over several smaller subs when you want high impact and full bass response.  The second issue is response smoothness and seat-to-seat consistency.  The use of two or four subs placed in the proper positions of the room makes the bass better integrated and much more consistent across a wide area of the room.  This is my preference since I believe most theaters have more than one seat and I also enjoy listening to high end music on my system.  The excellent bass integration and smoothness multiple subs creates makes this a very pleasurable experience.


HAA家庭声学联盟创始人与主席 Gerry Lemay先生


Gerry Lemay(HAA家庭声学联盟创始人与主席 ):

This question depends on many factors.  I assume you mean to do home theater?  In that case, ceiling speakers can be limiting.  The front speakers sound best when their sound is presented horizontally and from a height close to your ear level.  While there are ceiling speakers designed to point more forward and horizontally, they can create a front sound stage which is too high and not as precise.  Interestingly, if you choose ceiling speakers, it’s important to allow reflections from these speakers to bounce off of the right and left side walls.  This creates the illusion of pulling the soundstage down appearing to be better aligned with the screen.  In the case of surround speakers, a horizontal presentation of the sound field is also best.  One can again try to use nearby walls to reflect the sound toward the listeners.  To do this the ceiling surround must be close to the wall to create the proper reflections.  If you are planning an Atmos system, you may be disappointed to know that it’s not a good design to have both your side surround speakers and top speakers in the ceiling.  The spatial effect will not be nearly as good.



Gerry Lemay(HAA家庭声学联盟创始人与主席 ):

A semi-open space can be quite challenging.  There are several problems; 1) sound power is lost through open spaces limiting reference sound level, 2) As you fear, there can be excessive reverberation reducing focus and clarity, 3) Its more difficult for an acoustician to predict the sonic behavior for best seating and subwoofer placement, and other issues.  You question seems to focus on the second of the issues I listed.  For this problem there are only two solutions.  The best solution is to add acoustical treatment to reduce the reverberation of the room.  If that is not possible, the only choice is to reduce the number of listening seats and move these closer to the speakers, or the speakers closer to the listeners.  The acoustical principle is that the reverberation is too loud compared to the direct sound level from the speakers.  This is how focus and clarity are reduced.  Without treatment, the only way to increase the relative level of the direct sound is by listening closer to the speakers.  Turning the volume up is not a solution since the increased direct sound level will still create an even louder reverberant sound level.





高阻抗/低灵敏度的设计的高端耳机基本都采用大尺寸动圈式设计,因而本身的材质决定了无法达到高灵敏度(音圈+振膜相对较重);同时,因为高阻抗的设计可以更好地过滤掉信号中的杂讯,因此达到低阻抗,动圈式的材质就更重了,低灵敏度也就成了必然。如果驱动电压足够, 高阻抗反而会带来更高的音质表现。所以,如果是高阻抗、高灵敏度那就更好了,但受到振膜材质的影响而无法实现,FOCAL乌托邦耳机的例外是因为铍高音材质足够得轻盈。


影音大师产品推广总监 薛磊先生










