267.Strictures in Crohn's disease(2)


Fig 3 is from a 50-year-old patient with transmural Crohn's disease.  Fig 3-1 was taken before sufficient lumen distention had occurred in the course of the enteroclysis. A focal area of narrowing (arrowhead in Fig 3A-1) is seen proximal to the narrowed terminal ileum (arrows). Fig 3-2 was taken after continued methylcellulose injection. The focal narrowing (arrowhead in Fig 3A-2) has markedly increased in luminal diameter; the terminal ileum has also increased slightly in caliber. Also note the presence of a Meckel's diverticulum, seen as a blind sac (M).


1. transmural [træns'mjʊrəl] adj. 透壁的

2. lumen [ˈlumən] 腔

3. ileum [ˈɪliəm] n. 回肠

4. methylcellulose [ˌmeθəl'seljəˌloʊs] n. 甲基纤维素

5. luminal ['lju:mɪnæl] n. 鲁米诺(一种镇静剂)

