
01Module  8单词请点击绿标播放1、card [kɑ:d]  n. 卡片2、party ['pɑ:ti]  n. 晚会;聚会3、present ['prezənt] n. 礼物4、would [wud]  aux. 肯,会;愿意。v. will的过去式5、always ['ɔ:lweiz] adv. 一直;总是6、great [ɡreit]  adj. 巨大的;太好了;超乎寻常的7、cake [keik]  n. 蛋糕8、never ['nevə]  adv. 从不9、special ['speʃəl]  adj. 特别的;特殊的10、cut [kʌt]  vt. 切;剪11、give [ɡiv]  vt. 给;送12、sing [siŋ]  vt. 唱;唱歌13、happy ['hæpi]  adj. 幸福的;高兴的14、secret ['si:krit]  n. 秘密15、ha  ha  [hɑː‘hɑː]  哈哈 (表笑声)16、CD [,si: 'di:]  abbr. 光盘,激光唱片17、concert [kən'sət]  n. 音乐会18、magazine [,mæɡə'zi:n]  n. 杂志19、scarf [skɑ:f]  n. 围巾20、silk [silk]  n. 丝绸 21、dress [dres]  n. 连衣裙;礼服22、T-shirt ['ti,ʃɝt]  n. T恤衫23、choose [tʃu:z]  vi. 选择,挑选24、exercise ['eksəsaiz]  n. 锻炼;练习25、wear [wεə]  v. 穿;戴26、expensive [ik'spensiv]  adj. 昂贵的27、shoe [ʃu:]  n. 鞋,鞋子28、spend [spend]  vi. 花钱;花费29、money ['mʌni]  n. 钱;金钱30、film [film]  n. 电影 31、song [sɔŋ]  n. 歌曲32、match [mætʃ]  n. 比赛,竞赛33、weekend [,wi:k'end]  n. 周末34、at  weekends  在周末35、dear [diə] adj. 亲爱的(用于信开头某人的名字前)36、hear [hiə]  vi. 听见37、hear  from  收到……的来信38、afraid [ə'freid]  adj. 害怕的;担心的39、I’m  afraid  [口] 恐怕(用于礼貌地拒绝)40、can`t =cannot   不能02Module8课文Module 8 Unit 1课文Module 8 Unit 2课文03Module8知识梳理【重点短语】1.have a birthday party for sb 为某人举行生日派对2.go to one’s birthday party 去参加某人的生日派对3.at a Chinese birthday party 在中国人的生日聚会上4.at the birthday dinner 在生日宴会上5.make a birthday cake for sb 为某人制作生日蛋糕6.give/send birthday cards 送生日贺片7.get birthday presents 收到生日礼物8.on one’s birthday 在某人的生日(那天)9.a box of chocolates 一盒巧克力10.a cinema ticket 一张电影票aconcert ticket 一张音乐会入场券11.choose a birthday present for... 为......选择生日礼物12.stay/keep healthy 保持健康13.get some exercise 进行体育锻炼14.every day 每天15.eleven silk scarves 11条丝绸围巾16.人 spend +时间/钱+on sth 在某物上花费时间 / 钱人 spend +时间/钱+(in) doing sth 在做某事上花费时间 / 钱17.read magazines=read a magazine 阅读杂志18.go to the cinema. 去看电影19.watch sports 观看体育赛事20.go to concerts=go to the concert 去听音乐会21.the CDs of one’s favourite songs 某人最喜爱的歌曲的唱片22.go to the football match 去看足球赛23.watch football matches on TV 在电视里看足球比赛24.at weekends = at the weekend 在周末25.watch AC Milan 看AC米兰(的比赛)26.watch films=watch a film 看电影27.stay at home 待在家里28.on Saturday evening 在星期六晚上29.hear from sb 收到某人的来信30.watch sb play football 观看某人踢足球【重点句子】1.Would you like to come to my birthday party?你愿意来参加我的生日派对吗?Yes, I’d love to./ I’d love to,but....是的,我愿意。/ 我很愿意,但是......2.My mother never makes a birthday cake for me.我母亲从不给我制作生日蛋糕。3.Do you sing it in Chinese or in English?你用中文还是英文唱这首歌呢?4.What would you like for your birthday?对于你的生日,你想要什么呢?5.It’s a secret. 这是秘密。6.What do you often do on Teachers’Day?在教师节你常做什么呢?7.She spends lots of money on clothes.她在衣服上花费了大量的钱。8.We usually watch football on TV at weekends.在周末我们常在电视里看足球赛。9.Which presents do you choose for your friends?你为你的朋友选择哪些礼物呢?10.It’s great to hear from you.收到你的来信真是太好了。11.I’m afraid I can’t come. 恐怕我不能来。12.I always watch my sister play football.我一直都在观看我的妹妹踢足球。【基本语法点】1.表频度的词如often, usually, always, never等在一般现在时句子中的位置。2.对频度副词的提问用how often【话题写作】作文一:下周五是你表弟温宇的生日,他想举办生日聚会。请根据提示写一篇60词左右的短文。LikesPresentspresents and birthday cakesa big birthday cakesing and go to the concertsCDsplay football and watch football matchesa pair of football shoes范文:    My cousin is Wen Yu.Next Friday is his birthday.He usually likes having birthday parties at home and his good friends always come to his parties.He always likes presents and birthday cakes.He likes singing songs.Sometimes he goes to concerts.But he never spends too much money on them.He also likes playing football and watching football matches.I'd like to give him two CDs of his favourite singer and a pair of football shoes.    I hope he can have a happy birthday.作文二:以“My grandmother's birthday”为题写一篇70词左右的短文。提示:many family members许多家庭成员,bring带来, sofa沙发, chat with... 和……聊天范文:My grandmother's birthday    My grandmother is seventy years old. Each year my family has a big birthday party for her. Many of my family members come to the party. They also bring some presents and flowers for my grandmother. My mother and my aunts always cook a big dinner.After dinner,children sing and dance happily. My grandmother sits on the sofa chatting with others. She is always very happy on her birthday.

