【猪译馆】配种管理指南 (连载四)


前言 Foreword


编者的话 Editor's Note






Proper Treatment

1. 闻精液的气味,应该是无异味的。

Smell the semen, it should smell neutral.

2. 观察精液的颜色,应介于脱脂奶和奶酪油的颜色之间。

Look at the semen, it must have a colour from skimmed milk to cream.

3. 评估精液的浓度。

Evaluate the semen concentration.

4. 取精液样品,置于有加热载物台的显微镜下观察,评估精子活力。

Take a sample of the raw semen and examine it under the microscope with a hot plate. Motility should be assessed.

5. 精液与稀释剂混合。只打开需要的稀释剂量。将抗生素加入稀释剂后,加热至30-35 ℃。冷应激会损伤精子。

The semen is mixed with diluents. Do not open for more than the amount of diluents that is necessary. Antibiotics must be added to the diluents. The diluents should be heated to 30 ℃ to 35 ℃, if the semen gets a cold shock, it may be damaged.

6. 取稀释过的精液的新样品,开始评估精子的形态。

A new sample of the diluted semen is taken and semen morphology is now assessed.

7. 多次使用的器具材料最好不是玻璃或金属的,而是塑料的。

Recyclable materials shall not be of glass or metal. Plastic is preferable.

8. 与精液直接接触的材料上不要有残留的肥皂或消毒剂,因其会杀死精子。

There should be no soap or disinfectant residue on the materials that are in direct contact with the semen, as it kills the semen.

9. 采集完成后1小时内完成稀释。

The semen must be mixed within 1 hour after collection.

10. 稀释后的成品精液如果不立即使用,需尽快放入精液专用冰箱。

The diluted semen that is not immediately used after collection is to be placed in the semen closet as soon as possible.


A clean, dust free area for the treatment of the semen after collection.

畸形精子Abnormal sperm cells


Curled tail

B: 精子尾部卷曲并与原生质滴结合

Combination of curled tail and distal droplet

C: 精子头部带有原生质滴

Proximal droplet


Distal droplet



Potential Errors

1. 一个没有经验的人通过显微镜错误的评估精液。比如他只能看到精子,而看不出畸形精子。

An inexperienced person who values the semen incorrect in the microscope. For example he sees more sperm cells than there is or there are too many defective sperm cells.

2. 精液稀释时不够卫生,如使用不干净的容器和飞溅的水进入精液。

Lack of hygiene by the mixture of semen. Unclean containers and sloppiness with water, so water gets in the semen.

3. 精液处理的房间不干净,有灰尘和污垢。

The semen is processed in an unclean room with much dust and dirt.

4. 精液出现异常颜色和味道。

The semen is discolored and smells.

5. 选择了不合适的材料。

Improper material selection.

6. 残留的肥皂和消毒剂接触到精液。

Soap and disinfectant residues are in contact with the semen.

7. 稀释时受到污染或粗心的操作导致杂质进入。

Contaminated dilute at mixing, or careless treatment of the dilute so impurities comes in.

8. 将用剩的稀释剂混装在一起。

Residues of dilute are mixed together.



Additional Comments: On-farm AI – Semen Processing After Collection


Semen smells neutral, if it smells strongly it is contaminated and should be discarded.


The semen must not be discolored. Blood in the semen gives a brownish color. Blood damage the semen, so they loose their fertility. If the semen divides, it is contaminated with pus, bacteria or so. Throw away the semen if there is any reason for the above problems. Urine in the semen gives a yellowish color.


There must be a sufficient number of sperm cells in each premixed portion, and therefore  the concentration of the semen must be assessed. Without counting chamber it cannot be done accurately, and it is usually only on AI stations they are profitable.


The semen can instead be assessed by color:

1. 乳白色=中等含量的精子

Milky white = middle number of sperm cells

2. 蓝灰牛奶色=少量的精子

Blue-gray milk like = few sperm cells

3. 奶油色=很多精子

Cream = many sperm cells


Motility is an expression of sperm cells forward movement (mobility) and normal  appearance (morphology). The sperm cells that swim backwards or in circles, is not fertile.


Diluents that are opened must be used within 3 days. The ideal would be to buy portions that correspond to what is needed per collection. It gives a greater assurance that there is no contamination of the diluents. Diluents should be stored in a refrigerator until it should be used. It is best to buy several sizes diluents, so there are for both large and small insemination days.


There is taken a drop of the diluted semen, and placed on the slide in the microscope. On top of that there is placed a coverslip. The sperm cell morphology (appearance) will be assessed. If there are more than 30 percent defective sperm cells the semen is discarded.


Containers, which semen is in direct contact with, may not be of metal or glass. They are too cold for the semen. If the semen gets a cold shock, the semen dies. All recycle materials must be plastic.


It is optimal that all materials are scalded with boiling water. After scalding, the materials are dried out completely. Water kills the sperm cells. If they have been in the dishwasher there can be soap residue on it.


If the semen is undiluted for a long time, it will take damage. There are nutrients in the diluent, which makes the semen survive.


Semen collected in the herd must be kept in the same manner as purchased semen at 16 ℃ to 18 ℃. The semen doses can advantageously be turned once a day, because there are more sperm cells in home produced semen doses. It can cause the sperm cells to be “strangled” because of the high concentration of sperm cells and thus not getting enough nourishment from the diluents.

8.自 然 交 配




Get Success With Natural Mating:

1. 使用性成熟的公猪。

Use a sexually mature boar.

2. 开始几次,让公猪爬跨一头发情明显的经产母猪。

Let the boar mount a sow with a good and clear heat the first few times.

3. 让母猪进入公猪栏。

The sow is let into the boar’s pen.

4. 将母猪转入公猪栏后,始终要有一个人监督。

One must always supervise when the sow is let into the boar.

5. 建议至少每14天让公猪爬跨一次。

It is recommended that a boar is allowed to mount minimum every 14 day.

6. 使用的种公猪至少每12个月更换一次。

Active breeding boars should be replaced after a maximum of 12 months.

7. 确保圈舍地面是防滑的。

Make sure there is non-slip surface in the pen.

8. 密切关注公猪的健康情况。

Always keep an eye on that the boars are healthy.

9. 如果公猪生病了,在再次使用前,让公猪爬跨采精大约10次。

There should be approx. 10 mountings before using to sows if the boar has been sick.

10. 交配后,将母猪赶回自己的圈舍。

After mating, the sow is moved back to its place.

11. 对引入的公猪实行隔离。

Use quarantine for introduction of boars.


A non-slip, dry floor is necessary.


The boar should not be too large for the sow.


8.2 自然交配的问题

Problems With Natural Mating

1. 不育或精子质量下降的公猪。

Sterile boar or boar with reduced sperm quality.

2. 缺乏发情鉴定。

Lack of heat control.

3. 母猪因为地面滑或公猪太大/太重而滑倒。

The sow slips because of a slippery floor or too large/heavy a boar.

4. 公猪使用太频繁。

The boar is used too often.

8.3 自然交配的缺点

Disadvantages Of Natural Mating

1. 在发现公猪不育前,可能其已经和很多母猪交配了。

A sterile boar can reach to mate numbers of sows before it gets discovered.

2. 很难保持公猪的育种值和人工授精站的公猪一样。

It is difficult to keep the boars breeding value on par with the AI boars.

3. 猪群中引进新的公猪时,会有将新的疾病带进群体的风险。使用隔离舍可以将这种风险最小化。

Introduction of new boars in the herd is associated with a risk of new diseases into the herd. Using the quarantine unit will minimize this risk.



Additional Comments: On-farm AI – Collection


A boar is sexually mature when it is willing to implement a mating. It occurs first in 6-7 months of age and depends primarily on age. Cross breed boars often become sexually mature earlier than purebred boars. It is recommended that the boar is taken into service when it is over 8 months old.


Ensure that the boar gets a successfull experience the first few times it must mount. This is done by finding a sow in the appropriate size, showing clear heat and good standing reflex.


When the sow let into the boar, it will immediately show interest in the sow and the oestrus sow will exhibit standing reflex. Pens used for mating should be minimum 10 m 2.


If the sow won’t stand for the boar, it must be removed from the pen again. When the boar mounts, you may be ready with a gloved hand, to lead the penis into the sow’s vagina.


The older the boar, the more often you can let him mate as the semen production increases the boar’s age.

表1: 公猪的使用频率

Table1: Frequcncy of use of the boar


Be aware that the mounts should be distributed throughout the week.


The boars breeding value decreases with time. It should therefore only be active for up to 12 months. Subsequently, it can be used as a smell boar.


To avoid leg injuries and slipping with the sows, it is important that the pens have a non-slip surface. That is dry floor, preferably with bedding (not shavings, as they have a negative influence on reproduction).


A boar that has had fever may subsequently have reduced semen quality in up to 8 weeks. If in doubt about the boar’s fertility, there should be taken a semen sample to check for semen quality. The analysis can be made by an AI advisor.


By making inseminations , one can assess whether it is sterile. If you want to assess the boar’s reproductive performance, there must be made more inseminations with the single boar.


If the sow is staying in the pen, the boar will attempt to mount several times. It may be inappropriate if the boar should mount for more mountings later. See table 1.


The quarantine unit minimizes the risk of new diseases into the herd together with purchasedbreeding animals.


To be continued…




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