日课|英文故事:Grandma Is Sick


Grandma Is Sick

Grandma baked Jim cookies. She sewed his clothes. She even fixed his bike tire when it was flat.

But one day, Grandma felt sick. “I am too tired to bake cookies and fix bikes,” she told Jim. “I don’t even feel well enough to sew.”

Grandma was sick for weeks and weeks. Jim felt very sad. “Grandma can’t take care of me,” he told his father.

Dad thought about this. “Maybe you can take care of her.”

Dad helped Jim to bake Grandma’s favorite carrot cake. He helped Jim to make a Get Well card. He even helped Jim to fix the flat tire on Grandma’s bike. “That way, when she feels better, she can ride,” Dad said.

Grandma took a bite of cake. She looked at the card and at her bike. Then she gave Jim a big hug. “Thank you for taking care of me,” she said. “I feel better already!”








  1. bake (在烤炉里)烘烤;焙

  2. sew  缝制;缝补;缝上

  3. fix 修理

  4. pack 收拾(行李);装(箱)

  5. flat (轮胎)瘪了的;撒了气的

  6. feel sick 感觉不舒服

  7. tired  疲倦的;疲劳的

  8. take care of 照顾;照看

  9. favorite 最喜欢的;特别受喜爱的

  10. get well 康复

  11. flat tire 漏了气的车胎;瘪胎

  12. take a bite of 吃/咬了一口

  13. big hug 拥抱;大大的拥抱

  14. feel better 感觉好转

  15. already 已经;早已

What does Jim do for Grandma?
a. He fixes her bike.
b. He makes her cookies.
c. He sews a shirt.
d. He makes a birthday card.
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