Delphi TListview[2] 常用方法和技巧
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with ListView1 . Items . Add do begin Caption:=caption; //添加第一项 SubItems . add( 11 ); // SubItems . add( 22 ); SubItems . add( 33 ); end ; with ListView1 do begin ListItem:=Items . Add; ListItem . Caption:= '第一列' ; ListItem . SubItems . Add( '第二列' ); end ; |
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Edit1 . Text := Listview1 . Items[i].Caption; //读第i行第1列 Edit2 . Text := Listview1 . Items[i].SubItems . strings[ 0 ]; //读第i行第2列 Edit3 . Text := Listview1 . Items[i].SubItems . strings[ 1 ]; //读第i行第3列 Listview1 . Items . Item[i].Caption; // 取得某条数据标题 Listview1 . Items . Item[i].SubItems . Strings[j]; // 取得某条数据内容 Listview1 . Items . Item[i].SubItems . CommaText; // 一条记录的全部内容,格式: "标题","内容1","内容2",.... Listview1 . Items . Item[i].SubItems . Text; // 一条记录的全部内容,格式: 标题,内容,内容2.... |
Listview1 . Items . Item[i].Delete; //删除一条数据 |
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i:=ListView1 . Items . Count ; //数据条数 Listview1 . Items . Item[i].Selected; //该条数据选中否(MultiSelect决定单选复选) |
(5) 清除数据
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ListView1 . Clear; //清除数据 ListView1 . Items . Clear; //清除数据 |
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DestItem := Listview1 . Items . Insert(CurItem . Index ); //在当前列前面插入一列 DestItem := Listview1 . Items . Insert(CurItem . Index + 1 ); //在当前列后面插入一列 |
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begin ListView1 . Items . Delete(tItem . Index); //删除当前列 ListView1 . Items . Delete(tItem . Index + 1 ); //删除当前列后面一列,要先判断其存在 end ; //这是个通用的过程 procedure ListViewItemMoveUpDown(lv: TListView; Item: TListItem; MoveUp, SetFocus: Boolean ); var DestItem: TListItem; begin if (Item = nil ) or ((Item . Index - 1 < 0 ) and MoveUp) or ((Item . Index + 1 >= lv . Items . Count) and ( not MoveUp)) then Exit; lv . Items . BeginUpdate; try if MoveUp then DestItem := lv . Items . Insert(Item . Index - 1 ) else DestItem := lv . Items . Insert(Item . Index + 2 ); DestItem . Assign(Item); lv . Selected := DestItem; Item . Free; finally lv . Items . EndUpdate; end ; if SetFocus then lv . SetFocus; DestItem . MakeVisible( False ); end ; //此为调用过程,可以任意指定要移动的Item,下面是当前(Selected)Item ListViewItemMoveUpDown(ListView1, ListView1 . Selected, True , True ); //上移 ListViewItemMoveUpDown(ListView1, ListView1 . Selected, False , True ); //下移 |
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procedure TForm1 . ListView1CustomDrawItem(Sender: TCustomListView; Item: TListItem; State: TCustomDrawState; var DefaultDraw: Boolean ); begin //OwnerDraw应该设置为False if Item . Index mod 2 = 0 then Sender . Canvas . Brush . Color := clSkyBlue else Sender . Canvas . Brush . Color := clWhite; end ; |
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function CustomSortProc(Item1, Item2: TListItem; ColumnIndex: integer ): integer ; stdcall; begin if ColumnIndex = 0 then Result := CompareText(Item1 . Caption, Item2 . Caption) else Result := CompareText(Item1 . SubItems[ColumnIndex - 1 ], Item2 . SubItems[ColumnIndex - 1 ]) end ; procedure TFrmMain . TypeLvColumnClick(Sender: TObject; Column: TListColumn); begin TypeLv . CustomSort(@CustomSortProc, Column . Index); end ;: |
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begin GetCursorPos(p); p := lvList . ScreenToClient(p); CurItem := lvList . GetItemAt(p . X, p . Y); ARect:= CurItem . DisplayRect(drBounds); end ; |
curItem := lvRoomList . FindData( 0 , AData, True , False );: |
SmallImages,StateImages分别关联一个TimageList对象,TimageList对象对象中存入所有要显示的图标,对与TlistView 的vsReport模式下的每一条记录TlistItem对象tItem,
可分别通过 tItem.ImageIndex 和 tItem.StateIndex 来控制显示TimageList对象中的哪个图标,
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