在当今这个时代,最让年轻人们头疼的,应该就是买房了。很多人都没钱全款买房,倾尽资产也只能付个首付。那么问题来了,“首付”用英语该怎么说呢?有同学可能会说,首先=first,付款=pay,“首付”难道是 first pay?如果真这么说的话,可就闹笑话啦。
正确的表达是::down payment还是来看一下权威的解释:If you make a down payment on something, you pay only a percentage of the total cost when you buy it. You then finish paying for it later, usually by paying a certain amount every month.指的是,你在买东西的时候先只付总费用的一部分。之后,你再每月支付一定的金额。
一起来看两个例句:I made a down payment on the iPhone 12.我刚付了首付款买了iPhone 12。I'm going to use the money for a down payment on a house.我打算用这笔钱来付房子的首付款。
在美剧《摩登家庭》中,Claire和Mitchell谈到父亲时,就用到了这个表达:Claire: He loaned us the money for the down payment. We never paid him back. I've always felt so guilty.Mitchell: You know, he gave us our down payment, too. Are you sure that wasn't a gift?-他借给我们首付的钱,我们一直没还。我一直感觉很惭愧。-他也帮我们出了首付,你确定不是送的吗?
付过“首付”之后,接下来就是“分期付款”了,那么“分期”又该怎么说呢?正确的表达是:installment发音是 /ɪn'stɔ:lmənt/,我们来看两个例句:We agreed to pay for the house by installments.我们同意分期付款买房。Alice paid for the car in monthly installments over five years.爱丽丝通过五年的每月分期付款,买了辆车。