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Perioperative risks of narcolepsy in patients undergoing general anesthesia: A case-control study



方  法





结  果

对 76例发作性睡眠患者及其对照组进行了围术期检查。与对照组相比较,嗜睡症患者经常被开具中枢神经系统兴奋剂(73.7%vs4.0%,P<0.001)和抗抑郁药(46.1%vs27.6%,P=0.007),经常出现呼吸睡眠暂停综合征(40.8% vs19.1%, P<0.001)。术中病程相似。呼吸抑制发作次数在嗜睡症患者和对照组之间没有差异(分别为5 [6.6%] vs 12 [7.9%],P = 0.80)。与对照组相比,嗜睡症患者的应急反应触发频率较高(76例[6.6%中有5例(6.6%),95%CI,2.2%-14.7%)(152例(1.3%),95%CI,0.2%-4.7 %)(P = 0.04)。除了1型(猝发睡眠),应激反应暗示血液动力学不稳定,这是由于过度的镇静与呼吸抑制所导致。

结  论

嗜睡症患者术中反应与对照组相似,包括I期麻醉恢复。 然而,他们的应急反应触发率高于对照组,这表明嗜睡症患者的围手术期风险可能增加。


Cavalcante A N, Hofer R E, Tippmann-Peikert M, et al. Perioperative risks of narcolepsy in patients undergoing general anesthesia: A case-control study[J]. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia, 2017.

Study objective:To compare the perioperative outcomes between patients with narcolepsy and matched controls undergoing anesthetic management.
Design: Retrospective 2:1 matched study design.

Setting: Large tertiary medical center.
Patients: Narcoleptic patients who underwent general anesthesia from January 1, 2011, through September 30, 2015, were matched with controls by age, sex, and type and year of surgery.
Measurements: Medical records were reviewed for episodes of respiratory depression during phase I recovery and for other meaningful perioperative outcomes.
Main results: The perioperative courses of 76 narcoleptic patients and their controls were examined. Compared to controls, narcoleptic patients were more often prescribed central nervous system stimulants (73.7% vs 4.0%, P<0.001) and antidepressants (46.1% vs 27.6%, P = 0.007) and more often had obstructive sleep apnea (40.8% vs 19.1%, P<0.001). The intraoperative course was similar. The number of episodes of respiratory depression was not different between patients and controls (5 [6.6%] vs 12 [7.9%], respectively; P = 0.80). Narcoleptic patients had a higher frequency of emergency response team activations (5 of 76 [6.6%]; 95% CI, 2.2%–14.7%) compared to controls (2 of 152 [1.3%]; 95% CI, 0.2%–4.7%) (P = 0.04). Hemodynamic instability was the indication for all emergency response team activations except 1, which was for a narcoleptic patient who had excessive postoperative sedation and respiratory depression.
Conclusions: Narcoleptic patients had similar intraoperative courses as the matched controls, including phase I anesthetic recovery. However, they had a higher rate of emergency response team activations than the controls, which suggests that patients with narcolepsy may be at increased perioperative risk.




