是的,我依然生活在伦敦 Yes, I still live in London 【2020.03.24 大晴天 Sunny】

24/03/2020 15:40
Primrose Hill, London, UK
Hi there,
Where are you reading this post? How is the weather? How are you feeling?
Maybe the previous post was a too long letter, when I edited it at the wechat official account this evening, the laptop stopped working several times. Keeping in mind that the laptop is my most precious property (full of my ideas and data),I choose to start a new page. I cannot take the risk to abuse it, now is not a good time.
Since yesterday was the first time that the UK Prime Minister gave the address "You must stay at home", looking at the photo, you may wonder: why I am against the rule today? This might be many readers' first response to my photo, taking for granted that I misobeyed the rule, I should not go out. But to be honest, you cannot just read the title, have some patience to listen the full speech, and have some confidence in me as a human.
In the national address, PM made it clear that people can go out for limited reasons, only when absolutely essential, two of the four reasons are: shopping for basic necessities, and one form of exercise a day (e.g. run, walk, cycling alone or with people if you live together). Excepting the fact that I am running out of essentities, the most urgent issue is the flies in my room. It is largely due to the kitchen is now full of rubbish, if not cleared, our house will be a dump. Rather than waiting my other housemates to take the rubbish out, it is more efficient that I took them out with my mask and gloves. Plus today is the one-year anniversary that I did my half-marathon, just one more step to go since I already need to go out. I did not for a long run as running long distance may lower one's immune system.
When I was jogging outside, I then realised that at least from where I saw, strangers are all following the social distancing. In fact, even there is no rule, people who live in UK seem to stay some distance when they have a choice in a public area. That is how I have experienced and felt, not applicable to everyone nor every situation. At least from what I saw todya, life is continuing, people who show up in the park still try their best to maintain their and also others' routine can co-exist: walking with a pram, walking dogs, running, skateboarding or playing skooter. Everyone is keeping an eye on social distancing, but when you see each other, smile is still they way people greet.
Maybe writing these down will still have readers wonder: will you die if you stop running? Can dogs and babies just stay indoor? Going outside means not safe. What can I say? Stay indoors can be the choice you do, probably much safer, but running, walking the dogs in the parks, are really how many people live their daily life, regardless of weather. You want to put a pause to everything when you say so, even the Prime Minister did not force people to do so. Are him and the think tanks more stupid than you? People who live in their countries face different situations, do not jump to compare, do not easily feel superiority, all the government do is to try the best to maintain the society running in a way not falling into chaos when the disaster is not severe enough that no one can ever stepped out of their doors. This is the end of my explanation on this topic.
As for people who care about my life, I have bought the vegetables and fruits I wanted to eat, and I also recieved a bottle of Vitamin C from my lovely emergency contact- Andi. She put in my cupboard next to the door. So before the next absolute necessary situation, I will try to stay safe for myself and others.
The main body of the letter is coming to the end, hope you are also living the life you like.
If you want to write me a letter back or give a comment, you can keep reading. If you have nothing to say, it is enough, go for what you prefer to do.
给愿意继续的人,其实谁也不知道这会不会是我最后一篇推送,我也就不客气地说了:(其实我之前在“你在害怕什么:病毒,死亡还是其他事?2020.03.22-23 出门的四个理由 Four Reasons to go out” 系列推送里也已经讲过了,又要重复自己,希望这次说得更清晰了吧)
To those who want to continue, let's be honest, who knows if this is will be my last post or not, I would go directly to the point: (in fact in my previous posts, I had said it already, I have to repeat myself, hope this time I express myself more clearly)
No need to comment and say I should take care of myself, and stay safe.
I have received sincere care, they are enough for me to carry on.
I cherish my life very much, and I always pay attention to my health, physcially, mentally and spiritually.
If you truly care, I would suggest: write a lament for me.
From my perspective, everyone will die, and there are people living but actually already walking dead. Not everyone can do what they want to do before they die, becoming who they want to be. That is what I am truly concerned, not doing what I want to do, and not saying what I want to say.
So if you consider yourself as a friend who share my ambition and values, why not tell me what lament you would say for my funeral. By doing so, we make sure that at least our last talk about this topic, we said what we mean from the bottom of our hearts.
As for others, no need to show your care, just live a good life for yourself. I am nobody to you and I am perfectly okay with this fact. I will not make a great influence on you, spend more time with those you love and love you back.
As person who prepare and update will regualrly, I never feel serious talk about death is something we should not talk. On the contrary, I would say it is actually quite nice that I can know who I am from my friends' eyes. I find this nice and meaningful. We can both deepen understandings of each other through this process.
Of course, I know not every friend that I consider as sharing my ambition and values will see me the say. A person can have misunderstandings of the other. This can exist, and should be allowed to exist, in fact it is normally the case we have. And even we share common ambitions and values, my request is not something my friend should take as a must-do. That is why, I am not nominating anyone to write a lament. I feel it will be incredibly awakward if someone I see as a friend would feel what I am doing is childish and unnecessary. What's worse, maybe the person I nominate does not consider that we are friends close enough to do this.
Of course when you are reading this line, you may also stop and wonder: what if you write something for me, and I feel that we are not actually that close, would that be awakward too? Seems like one of us have to take the risk first. But if you write a lament, you have agreed such a strange request, of course you can come up with one of your request, such as asking me to write something about you, maybe not in an obituary, you are most welcome to let me know. However, please notice that I can choose not to respond to your request, if I feel it is too much, for example, against my moral rule.
Enough for today, I am tired, and need a rest.
Hope you feel it is enough, and can go back to live a good life!