【27飞行操纵】维护提示 | 襟翼位置指示器故障导致襟翼不对称锁死

Flap System Shutdowns Due to Sensed Asymmetry
某737-800飞机,AirFASE 远程监控到左右襟翼位置不一致,最大7,左慢右快。
ASAD - Average sum of absolute deltas
APV - Average parameter value
PMAX - Peak maximum parameter value
PMIN - Peak minimum parameter value
TEFSK1P - Trailing edge flap skew 1 position
TEFSK2P - Trailing edge flap skew 2 position
TEFSK3P - Trailing edge flap skew 3 position
TEFSK4P - Trailing edge flap skew 4 position
TEFSK18M - Trailing edge flap skew 1 8 margin
TEFSK27M - Trailing edge flap skew 2 7 margin
TEFSK8P - Trailing edge flap skew 8 position
TEFSK7P - Trailing edge flap skew 7 position
TEFSK6P - Trailing edge flap skew 6 position
TEFSK5P - Trailing edge flap skew 5 position
TEFSK36M - Trailing edge flap skew 3 6 margin
TEFSK45M - Trailing edge flap skew 4 5 margin
LVRPOSN - Lever position
LFP - Left flap position
RFP - Right flap position
TEFAMM - Trailing edge asym margin
FSEU自检,故障代码27-52259,L FL POS +13.3.PIN K7和PIN K8代码信息。
襟翼位置传感器:左右各一个襟翼位置传感器安装在1 号和8 号齿轮盒的末端,传感器的量程为0 到270度。
↑ 襟翼位置传感器,左右各一个
在襟翼收上时为0 度,放下到40 单位时为270度。它实际上是感受扭力管转动了多少转,它这一度的变化对应扭力管转了多少转。
The trailing edge flap position and indication system on the 737NG consists of a pair of flap position transmitters (PN 18-1738-10/-12), a flap position indicator (PN 2061-15-1), airplane wiring, and the FSEU (PN 285A1200-1/-2).The transmitters and indicator are directly wired to each other through the FSEU. This allows the FSEU to monitor the voltages between the transmitter and indicator synchro stator connections and measure the trailing edge flap position for each wing. The FSEU then compares the difference between the left and right wing flap positions. When the difference exceeds 9 synchro degrees, a flap asymmetry shutdown occurs. This shutdown is latched by the FSEU and can only be reset when the airplane is on ground.
These flap asymmetry faults are almost never repeatable on the ground. Many operators replace the flap position transmitter (as recommended by the FIM) and return the airplane to service. Since the fault is intermittent and does not repeat after the airplane has returned to service, most operators conclude that the flap position transmitter was the faulty component.
Boeing has concluded our root cause investigation into these flap asymmetry events. Our investigation has concluded that a faulty flap position indicator can cause a flap asymmetry shutdown. In addition, the investigation found that conditions occurring within the flap position indicator synchros make the flap position indicator much more likely to cause a flap asymmetry shutdown than previously thought.
Boeing found that electrical arcing is occurring internal to the synchros between the brush and slipring of the synchro. It is not known why the electrical arcing is occurring between the brush and the slipring, however, it is thought that it may be due to airframe vibration causing the brushes to momentarily lift off the slipring creating an air gap. The electrical arcing causes erosion of the brush and increases friction between the brush and slipring. Both of these effects can result in a lagging or stuck indicator synchro that is detected by the FSEU as an erroneous flap measurement. When this condition persists long enough, the 9 synchro degree flap asymmetry margin can be exceeded resulting in a flap shutdown.
In addition, Boeing's investigation also found that increased resistance in the airplane wiring between the flap position transmitter and the FSEU can also result in a flap asymmetry shutdown. Increased resistance on the synchro stator wiring by approximately 80 ohms or more can also cause the FSEU to measure an erroneous flap position resulting in a flap shutdown. Boeing believes that 80 ohms of additional resistance can occur due to corrosion within the transmitter connectors or other exposed connectors between the transmitters and FSEU.
Interim Action
Boeing recommends that operators inspect and clean flap position transmitter connectors D40034, D40024, D229, and D275 in accordance with Boeing Service Letter 737-SL-24-207 on a regular basis at a convenient maintenance opportunity and following any flap asymmetry event.
Subsequent to any flap asymmetry event, Boeing recommends that operators consider replacing the flap position indicator as the first maintenance action taken. For asymmetry events that are NFF after maintenance troubleshooting, operators may consider replacing both the flap position transmitter and the flap position indicator.
Final Action
Boeing is revising the FIM and AMM to provide better troubleshooting recommendations following a flap asymmetry shutdown event. These recommendations will take into account the new understanding of how the flap position indicator and wiring faults can cause flap asymmetry events to occur.


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