
因为博士毕业课题需要,系统性的阅读了上百篇使用多位点取样策略加上肿瘤外显子测序技术来探索肿瘤内部异质性看肿瘤克隆进化的研究,挑选其中几十篇总结分享一下他们的实验设计及分析策略,剩余的几十篇文献下次再分享,如果有同研究领域的朋友也可以发邮件找我申请全部下载好的pdf文献及medeley引用链接哈。(邮箱地址:  jmzeng1314@163.com )



Endesfelder, D., Math, D., Gronroos, E., Ph, D., Martinez, P., Ph, D., … Ph, D. (2012). Intratumor Heterogeneity and Branched Evolution Revealed by Multiregion Sequencing. New England Journal of Medicine.

算是领域的开创者,虽然只有4个ccRCC病人,26个肿瘤组织测序,平均测序深度74而已。是clear cell renal cell carcinoma,取样如下:

说明了Branched tumor evolution,那些trunk突变更趋向于是标志物或者治疗靶点。

Genomics analyses from single tumor-biopsy specimens may underestimate the mutational burden of heterogeneous tumors. Reconstructing tumor clonal architectures and the identification of common mutations located in the trunk of the phylogenetic tree may contribute to more robust biomarkers and therapeutic approaches.


Voss, F. K., Ullrich, F., Münch, J., Lazarow, K., Lutter, D., Andrade-navarro, M. a, … Thomas, J. (2014). Spatial and temporal diversity in genomic instability processes defines lung cancer evolution. Science, 251(October). https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1252826

研究癌症是:non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)  实验测序策略是:25 spatially distinct regions from 7 operable NSCLCs and found evidence of branched evolution,如下图所示:

Total number of nonsilent mutations is provided below each tumor with percentage of heterogeneous mutations in brackets.


A large fraction of the genome had undergone alterations in all tumors, and genomic profiles were more similar within tumors than between different tumors


Bell, D. W., Settleman, J., Haber, D. A., Nussenzweig, A., Leibowitz, M. L., Pellman, D., … Human, N. (2014). Intratumor heterogeneity in localized lung adenocarcinomas delineated by multiregion sequencing. Science.

研究策略是:多位点取样的全外显子测序,48 tumor regions from 11 resected lung adenocarcinomas
同样是构建不同肿瘤部位的进化关系树,发现On average, 76% of all mutations were detected in all regions of the same tumors.  也就是说 肿瘤异质性很小。

跟2012的新英格兰发表的关于ccRCC研究不同的是,本研究说明了对肿瘤病人的单个部位采样是足够检查到大部分重要突变的。因为 ITH patterns may be different between cancer types.  需要更大样本量的临床队列来证实不同癌症不同亚型病人 异质性到底处于什么范围。



Cao, W., Wu, W., Yan, M., Tian, F., Ma, C., Zhang, Q., … Biddle, F. G. (2015). Multiple region whole-exome sequencing reveals dramatically evolving intratumor genomic heterogeneity in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Oncogenesis, 4(11). https://doi.org/10.1038/oncsis.2015.34


测序深度有点小:average target exome coverage of 50× in neoplastic DNA and 60 × in reference tissue using 76- bp paired-end reads
In PtA, we classified 158 non-silent mutated genes into 17 trunk gene mutations, 54 branch gene mutations and 87 private mutations.
In PtB, 27 of 203 mutant genes were in the trunk, 76 mutant genes were located in the branch section and 100 genes were private mutations.


Murugaesu, N., Wilson, G. A., Birkbak, N. J., Watkins, T. B. K., McGranahan, N., Kumar, S., … Swanton, C. (2015). Tracking the genomic evolution of esophageal adenocarcinoma through neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Cancer Discovery, 5(8), 821–832. https://doi.org/10.1158/2159-8290.CD-15-0412

实验策略是:40 tumor regions from 8 EAC患者 , before and after platinum-containing NAC.

用到了 intratumor heterogeneity (ITH) index.这个概念,而且看到了它跟NAC疗效显著相关。

也是和公共数据集比较 :EAC tumors from the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) dataset


Sottoriva, A., Kang, H., Ma, Z., Graham, T. A., Salomon, M. P., Zhao, J., … Curtis, C. (2015). A Big Bang model of human colorectal tumor growth. Nature Genetics, 47(3), 209–216. https://doi.org/10.1038/ng.3214

研究策略是:349 individual glands from 15 colorectal tumors,采样区分左右肿瘤部分,每个部分十多个样品测序,最后说明是大爆炸的进化模型。

包括WES, whole-exome sequencing; TS, targeted sequencing; 两个技术。
most detectable ITH occurs early after the transition to an advanced tumor.
Although private alterations continuously occur, only those that occur early have time for the corresponding clone to expand to a detectable size.


Hao, J. J., Lin, D. C., Dinh, H. Q., Mayakonda, A., Jiang, Y. Y., Chang, C., … Koeffler, H. P. (2016). Spatial intratumoral heterogeneity and temporal clonal evolution in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Nature Genetics, 48(12), 1500–1507. https://doi.org/10.1038/ng.3683




2016-Molecular Oncology-3个膀胱癌转移患者的22个部位

Thomsen, M. B. H., Nordentoft, I., Lamy, P., Høyer, S., Vang, S., Hedegaard, J., … Dyrskjøt, L. (2016). Spatial and temporal clonal evolution during development of metastatic urothelial carcinoma. Molecular Oncology, 10(9), 1450–1460. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molonc.2016.08.003

平均测序深度对肿瘤硬盘是68X (range 27-215X) ,对正常对照组织是167X (95-301X),部分突变位点,做了超过3000的高深度测序验证。



Harbst, K., Lauss, M., Cirenajwis, H., Isaksson, K., Rosengren, F., Törngren, T., … Jönsson, G. (2016). Multiregion whole-exome sequencing uncovers the genetic evolution and mutational heterogeneity of early-stage metastatic melanoma. Cancer Research, 76(16), 4765–4774. https://doi.org/10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-15-3476



2016-PLoS Genetics-9个CRC病人的75个肿瘤部位

Uchi, R., Takahashi, Y., Niida, A., Shimamura, T., Hirata, H., Sugimachi, K., … Mimori, K. (2016). Integrated Multiregional Analysis Proposing a New Model of Colorectal Cancer Evolution. PLoS Genetics, 12(2), 1–24. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1005778


During this process generating ITH, mutation accumulations, CN alterations, and methylation alterations appeared to occur in a correlated manner.



Jamal-Hanjani, M., Wilson, G. A., McGranahan, N., Birkbak, N. J., Watkins, T. B. K., Veeriah, S., … Swanton, C. (2017). Tracking the Evolution of Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer. New England Journal of Medicine, 376(22), 2109–2121. https://doi.org/10.1056/NEJMoa1616288

队列:100 early-stage NSCLC 病人(62 Men, 38 Women)的 327个肿瘤样品进行外显子测序,平均测序深度超400X

然后发现SNV的异质性比例是30% (range, 0.5 to 93) ,变化范围很大,生存分析不显著。

而CNV的异质性比例是8% (range, 0.3 to 88) ,变化范围也很大,生存分析显著,也就是说CNV和SNV的异质性并不相关。


2017-BMC Medical Genomics-1个61岁男性胃癌患者的6个肿瘤样品

Zhou, Z., Wu, S., Lai, J., Shi, Y., Qiu, C., Chen, Z., … Chen, S. (2017). Identification of trunk mutations in gastric carcinoma: A case study. BMC Medical Genomics, 10(1), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12920-017-0285-y


  • 35 trunk mutations (54.97%, 210/382)

  • 17 branch mutations (16.84%, 64/382),

  • 108 private mutations (28.27%, 108/382).


2017- Journal of Hepatology-5个HCC患者的32个肿瘤部位

Huang, A., Zhao, X., Yang, X. R., Li, F. Q., Zhou, X. L., Wu, K., … Zhou, J. (2017). Circumventing intratumoral heterogeneity to identify potential therapeutic targets in hepatocellular carcinoma. Journal of Hepatology, 67(2), 293–301. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2017.03.005

包括Whole exome sequencing (WES) and targeted deep sequencing (TDS) were 两个测序技术,异质性如下:

最后文章的亮点可能是:Circulating cell-free DNAs (cfDNAs)

外显子实验的平均测序深度超200,这5个病人共1220个体细胞突变,涉及581个基因,比较了Whole exome sequencing (WES) and targeted deep sequencing (TDS)技术的差异。

2017-Annals of Oncology-4个CRC病人的28个肿瘤部位

Wei, Q., Ye, Z., Zhong, X., Li, L., Wang, C., Myers, R. E., … Yang, H. (2017). Multiregion whole-exome sequencing of matched primary and metastatic tumors revealed genomic heterogeneity and suggested polyclonal seeding in colorectal cancer metastasis. Annals of Oncology, 28(9), 2135–2141. https://doi.org/10.1093/annonc/mdx278


说明了CRC的转移是polyclonal seeding机制,

2017-BMC Cancer-2个肾癌患者的9个肿瘤部位

Liu, M., Liu, Y., Di, J., Su, Z., Yang, H., Jiang, B., … Su, X. (2017). Multi-region and single-cell sequencing reveal variable genomic heterogeneity in rectal cancer. BMC Cancer, 17(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12885-017-3777-4

测序策略:9 tumor regions and 88 single cells from 2 rectal cancer patients,重点应该是单细胞基因组测序看拷贝数变异。

从 single nucleotide variations (SNVs) and somatic copy number alterations (SCNAs) 角度来看异质性
然后单细胞基因组测序用的是multiple an- nealing and looping-based amplification cycles (MALBAC)。

  • a Clustered heatmap of 24 single tumor cells with SCNA profiles in patient 1 based on Euclidean distance and ward.D method.

  • b Clustered heat map and PCA of 35 single tumor cells of patient 2 based on SCNA profiles. Single tumor cells were grouped into two clusters.

  • c Subclonal SCNAs of patients 1 and 2 divided single tumor cells into two subpopulations, which was in accordance with two clusters identified by PCA. The



两个病人分开分析,因为样本量太小,所以非常细致的探索了它们的方方面面,外显子测序平均测序深度高达350,而且还针对目标突变进行高深度的捕获测序,大于1000X的,拷贝数变异的量化使用的是Illumina Human OmniZhongHua-8 BeadChips。测序数据都是可以下载的SRP079168





Nahar, R., Zhai, W., Zhang, T., Takano, A., Khng, A. J., Lee, Y. Y., … Tan, D. S. W. (2018). Elucidating the genomic architecture of Asian EGFR-mutant lung adenocarcinoma through multi-region exome sequencing. Nature Communications, 9(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-017-02584-z

LUAD的多位点取样早在2014的science文章就发表了,而且2017的新英格兰关于TRACERx计划也涉及到了LUAD。所以本文的重点是Asian EGFR-mutant LUAD



2018-Journal of Hepatology-6个ICC病人的69个PDPC部位

前面已经有发表在2017-  Journal of Hepatology-的5个HCC患者的32个肿瘤部位的研究,本研究侧重于ICC,取PDPCs: patient-derived primary cancer cells; 进行 WES 测序。病人来源于复旦大学中山医院。

结果 肿瘤异质性高达60%,而且超过85%的驱动突变都是branch的.


Moore, A. L., Kuipers, J., Singer, J., Burcklen, E., & Schraml, P. (2018). Intra-tumor heterogeneity and clonal exclusivity in renal cell carcinoma. BioRxiv, 1–43. https://doi.org/10.1101/305623


文章提到了一个 GeneAccord 的算法可能有帮助。


Saito, T., Niida, A., Uchi, R., Hirata, H., Komatsu, H., Sakimura, S., … Mimori, K. (2018). A temporal shift of the evolutionary principle shaping intratumor heterogeneity in colorectal cancer. Nature Communications, 9(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-05226-0


A是advance,P是precancerous lesions




Barry, P., Vatsiou, A., Spiteri, I., Nichol, D., Cresswell, G. D., Acar, A., … Sottoriva, A. (2018). The spatiotemporal evolution of lymph node spread in early breast cancer. Clinical Cancer Research, 24(19), 4763–4770. https://doi.org/10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-17-3374



  • whole-exome sequencing (WES),

  • whole-genome sequencing (WGS),

  • targeted deep sequencing




Yan, T., Cui, H., Zhou, Y., Yang, B., Kong, P., Zhang, Y., … Cui, Y. (2019). Multi-region sequencing unveils novel actionable targets and spatial heterogeneity in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Nature Communications, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-09255-1

测序策略:纳入 39个ESCC患者的185个肿瘤样品,平均测序深度高达300,发现ITH平均高达65%





