
来源:标签:Sara Pozzi,CVT,验证,技术,联盟收藏:株野作者:萨拉·A·波兹教授日期:2017/10/29联系人

Prof. Sara A. PozziCVT DirectorNuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciencespozzisa@umich.edu734-615-4970

议程在此处查看完整的研讨会议程会议参加者和照片研讨会参加者名单活动和活动照片活动信息今年的研讨会将重点介绍我们项目第三年的CVT研究成果。活动活动将包括CVT教授,学生和国家实验室合作伙伴的演讲。我们也很高兴继续我们的学生比赛,以表彰学生在最佳海报,最佳演讲和最佳技术演示方面所做的努力。在线注册:https//年11月17日日之前注册。所有参与者的托管费为$ 220(美国)。主办费包括所有活动餐的费用,包括11月28日的欢迎晚宴。只能通过邀请参加:CVT系,学生,NNSA赞助商,国家实验室,咨询委员会,行业代表有关更多详细信息,请通过johnrod@umich.edu与John Rodriquez联系。十一月28欢迎晚宴,下午6:30密西根大学艺术博物馆,https://umma.umich.edu11月29日至30日研讨会活动,上午8:30密歇根联盟大宴会厅,

上图:密歇根大学艺术博物馆(UMMA)位置,停车和住宿公共停车场可步行至密歇根州立大学。最近的停车场位于E. Liberty St.和MaynardSt。下面的Google地图指示附近的停车场。密歇根州立大学911 N.大学安娜堡分校48109-1265University of Michigan Museum of Art (UMMA) 525 S State StAnn Arbor, MI 48109ACCOMMODATIONSThese are a list of hotels near our meeting location安娜堡研究生(  734-769-2200)615 E.Huron St,安娜堡,MI 48104联盟旅馆,734-764-3177911 N.大学大道,安娜堡,MI 48109汉普顿酒店安·阿尔布尔南,  734-665-5000925 Victors Way,安娜堡,MI 48108要求:CVT车间参观安娜堡

漫步在美国最佳大街之一,在美丽的秋天体验安阿伯!探索越野步道或探索伟大的博物馆,包括密歇根大学校园内的三个博物馆。访问时,请不要错过我们世界一流的餐厅和剧院!通过访问开始计划您的安阿伯体验CVT Workshop, 2017

AGENDAClick here to view the full workshop agendaWORKSHOP ATTENDANTS & PHOTOSWorkshop attendant listPhotos of events and activitiesEVENT INFORMATIONThis year’s workshop will feature CVT research efforts over the third year of our project. Event activities will include presentations by CVT faculty, students, and national laboratory partners. We are also excited to continue our student competition to recognize student efforts for best poster, best talk, and best technology demonstration.Register Online: by November 17, 1017. Hosting fee is $220 (US) for all participants. Hosting fees cover all event meal costs including the welcome dinner on November 28.Attendance is by invitation only: CVT Faculty, students, NNSA sponsor, national laboratories, advisory board, representatives from industryFor additional details, contact John Rodriquez at johnrod@umich.eduNovember 28Welcome Dinner, 6:30 pmUniversity of Michigan Museum of Art, https://umma.umich.eduNovember 29 – 30Workshop activities, 8:30 amMichigan League, Grand Ballroom,

Above: University of Michigan Museum of Art (UMMA)LOCATION, PARKING, and ACCOMMODATIONSPublic parking is available within walking distance to the Michigan League. The closest lots are located at E. Liberty St. and Maynard St. The google map below indicates nearby parking structures. League911 N. UniversityAnn Arbor, MI  48109-1265University of Michigan Museum of Art (UMMA)525 S State StAnn Arbor, MI 48109ACCOMMODATIONSThese are a list of hotels near our meeting locationGraduate Ann Arbor, 734-769-2200615 E. Huron St, Ann Arbor, MI 48104Inn At the League, 734-764-3177911 N. University Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48109Hampton Inn Ann Arbor-South, 734-665-5000925 Victors Way, Ann Arbor, MI 48108request: CVT WorkshopVISITING ANN ARBOR

Experience Ann Arbor during the beautiful fall months as you wander one of America’s Best Main Streets! Explore the cross-country trails or explore great museums including three on the campus of the University of Michigan. Don’t miss our world-class dining and theater when you visit!Start planning your Ann Arbor experience by visiting

