


A Polish author called Krystian Bala who brutally murdered another person in the year 2000 - he wasn't caught and he kept writing books.

一个叫Krystian Bala的波兰作家在2000犯下一件残暴的谋杀,但他并没有被抓住,他继续写他的书。

3 years after the murder, he wrote a book called Amok in which he describes a very similar murder to the one he actually committed - a reader tipped off the police, Krystian was caught out and sentenced for 25 years, but his book sales skyrocketed.


Phone Number

An 18-year-old robber in Chicago tried to rob this muffler shop, but the money was in the safe, and the only person who could get into the safe was the manager - who wasn't there.


Instead of cutting his losses, this guy does the unthinkable thing - he writes down his phone number, hands it to the employees and tells them to ring him back when they have the money the instant he walked out the door, the employees called the police, they rang the robber and had him walk straight back into the shop only to get slapped with handcuffs.



A 40-year-old criminal called Daniel Glen who tried to rob a convenience store in Ontario- by calling the person that worked there to ask them how much they had in the cash register.

在安大略,40岁的Daniel Glen试图抢劫一个便利店--动手之前先给店里个电话,问他们柜台有多少钱。

The instant the call ended, the employee got the police down there where they found Daniel skulking nearby and arrested him.


Amazingly, Daniel had already tried this tactic several times before, ringing ahead to make sure the store had money ready for him to collect



This one criminal took this woman's cellphone and almost got away with it - except when later on he decided to send her a facebook friend request.


She immediately recognised him from his 500+ photos and got his name: Juan Gonzales.

她马上从他的500多张照片里面认出了他,还有了他的名字--Juan Gonzalez.

He was arrested.



An old woman who, like all of us, turned to the police in her time of crisis - but her issue was a bit dodgy. She walked up to a police officer and asked for help in getting money back because the cocaine she'd bought turned out to below quality. She even showed the officer the cocaine...


Old Woman

Another story about an old woman, but this one reaching 95 years old - and although she was confined to a wheelchair, she still managed to keep a burglar from breaking in.


It was at 3 am that this woman heard glass break near her front door, so she picked up a screwdriver and stabbed the hand reaching through the window again and again while calling for help.


Police arrived and found the burglar passed out on her front porch, bleeding from multiple stab wounds.



A 26-year-old male named Nicholas Wig burglarized a home.  He checked his facebook at the victim’s home. The crime was almost successful but the police arrived to arrest Wig few hours later just because he forgot to log out. They also found that he was wearing his victim’s wrist watch, which obviously won’t help with any potential defense.

26岁的男性Nicholas Wig入室盗窃,他在盗窃期间还不忘看他的facebook,他离开了,几乎就得逞了,但是警察在几个小时候以后就把他逮捕了,仅仅因为他facebook忘了登出。被捕时,他们还发现他正戴着受害者的表,这很明显对他以后辩护非常不利。

★ 编辑:Scott


