Thousand Foot Krutch 《War Of Change》



Everyday music




——王敖 《深水里壮丽火光的持有者》

名:《War Of Change》

歌者 Thousand Foot Krutch

词曲Steve Augustine Joel Bruyere

流派 摇滚



[Verse 1]

It's a truth that in love and war

Worlds collide and hearts get broken

I want to live like I know I'm dying

Take up my cross, not be afraid


Is it true what they say, that words are weapons?

And if it is, then everybody best stop steppin'

Cause I got ten in my pocket that'll bend your locket

I'm tired of all these rockers sayin' come with me


Wait, it's just about to break, it's more than I can take

Everything's about to change

I feel it in my veins, it's not going away

Everything's about to change

[Verse 2]

It creeps in like a thief in the night

Without a sign, without a warning

But we are ready and prepared to fight

Raise up your swords, don't be afraid


Is it true what they say, that words are weapons?

And if it is, then everybody best stop steppin'

Cause I got ten in my pocket that'll bend ya locket

I'm tired of all these rockers sayin' come with me


Wait, it's just about to break, it's more than I can take

Everything's about to change

I feel it in my veins, it's not going away

Everything's about to change


This is a warning, like it or not

I break down, like a record spinning

Gotta get up

So back off

This is a warning, like it or not

I'm tired of listenin', I'm warning you, don't try to get up

There's a war going on inside of me tonight (don't be afraid)

There's a war going on inside of me tonight (don't be afraid)


Wait, it's just about to break, it's more than I can take

Everything's about to change

I feel it in my veins, it's not going away

Everything's about to change

It's just about to break, it's more than I can take

Everything's about to change

I feel it in my veins, it's not going away

Everything's about to change



今天分享一首 Thousand Foot Krutch (千英尺克鲁奇,简称TFK) 的《War Of Change》。

这首歌2011年12月2日发布,收录在TFK的《The End is Where We Begin》专辑中。

Thousand Foot Krutch 是来自加拿大彼得伯勒的一支基督教摇滚(Christian rock)乐队。1995年,带着对新金属的崇拜之情,Trevor McNevan, Joel Bruyere和Steve Augustine组建了乐队,第一次亮相。他们在安大略省的各个地方演出,在当地名声大噪,引起了音乐公司的注意,随后他们与 Diamante公司签约。并在2000年发行了他们的首张LP《Set It Off》。2003年9月与Tooth & Nail签约发行了专辑《Phenomenon》。2005年发行的《The Art of Breaking 》采用了一种更重的摇滚音乐。这张是他们第一张闯入Billboard 200强(第67名)的专辑。此后TFK的歌曲一路走高,频繁闯入Billboard榜单。也在基督教摇滚中保持很高的排名。

PS.基督教摇滚(Christian rock):也可称为福音摇滚,成员都是基督教徒,他们通常在音乐中抒发对基督的崇敬和基督教徒应有的信念。

