语法 | 介词的用法



The boy over there is John’s brother. (定语)


The girl will be back in two hours.  (状语)


Our English teacher is fromAustralia. (表语)


Help yourself to some fish.   (宾语补足语)




1. 表示时间的介词

表示时间的介词主要有at, in, on;具体区别如下:


at six o’clock 在六点钟  at noon  在中午   at midnight 在午夜


in the ninth century  在第九世纪

in 2002 在2002年

in May在五月

in winter 在冬天

in the morning 在早上

in the afternoon在下午


on Monday 在周一

on July 1st  在七月一日

on Sunday morning 在星期日的早上

表示时间的介词还有before(在……前), after(在……后)等。例如:

before ten o’clock  在十点前     after breakfast  在早饭后

2. 表示地点或者方位的介词或词组

(1)at, in, on


He arrived in Shanghai yesterday. 他昨天到达上海。

They arrived at a small village before dark. 他们在天黑前到达了一个小村庄。

There is a big hole in the wall. 墙上有一个大洞。

The teacher put up a picture on the wall. 老师在墙上挂了一张画。

The library is between the post office and the market.

The teacher is among the students.


(3)in front of,in the front of&before

in front of表示在(物体外部的)前面,in the front of表示在(物体内部的)前面,before既可以作介词也可以作连词,既可以表示在某时间和位置的前面,也可以表示在顺  序或次序的前面。例如:

In front of our classroom, there is a big tree.

There is a big TV set in the front of our classroom.

Please come before ten o’clock.


He puts his work before everything.


(4)in the middle of, in the center of



因此,in the center of the park一般翻译成“公园中心”,而in the middle of the park是“公园中部”,范围比center大。

(5) across,through,past,over
表示从某一个物体的表面横过、穿过用介词across; 从某一个物体的里面或者一定范围内穿过、横过用介词through; 从旁边经过用past;指在某物上方“通过、越过”,与表面不接触,用over,常用来指“越过(篱笆、墙)等。例如:
They swam across the river.  他们游过了河。

The boys go through the forest quickly.  这些男孩子快速地穿过树林。  

They drove past a big supermarket.  他们开车经过一家大超市。
The birds fly over the city. 鸟儿飞过城市。

(6)beside, by, near, next to


She stood by the window. 她站在窗边。

The hotel is beside (/by) the river. 那家饭店在河边。

Come and sit beside (/by) me. 过来,坐在我边上。

2)next to 指“紧靠着的旁边”,意思和by与beside接近,有时互换。例如:

The new house next to the library is my house.


Come and sit next to (beside /by) me. 过来坐在我旁边。


There is a post office near his home. 他家附近有一个邮局。

His home is very near. 他的房子就在附近。

常见的表示地点的介词或者词组还有:behind,inside, outside, along, across from等,需要同学们在以后的学习中不断的总结。

3. 其他介词



The American girl wants to learn about Chinese history.



from 意为“从……,自从”;常构成词组“from… to…”。例如:

I go to school from Monday to Friday. 我从周一到周五去学校。

How far is it from Beijing to Shanghai? 从北京到上海有多远?


with 意为“与……一起,附有,使用”等意思。例如:

He has a house with a small garden. 有一个带着小花园的房子。

Can you play with me? 你能和我一起玩儿吗?


of 意为“……的,属于……的”常用来表示所属关系或者构成一些词组。例如:

Beijing is the capital ofChina. 北京是中国的首都。

What kind of movie do you like? 你喜欢哪一种电影?



Let me tell you the way to my house. 让我告诉你去我家的路。

Scotlandis to the north ofEngland. 苏格兰在英格兰之北。


for 意为“对于,为了,以……为代价,(时间持续)……之久”等。例如:

For breakfast, he likes eggs, bananas and apples. 早餐他吃鸡蛋、香蕉和苹果。

For boys, we have socks for only five dollars each.


(7) as , like




例如:She talks to me like my mother.

She talks to me as a mother.



Ⅰ. 看图填空。

What’s in the room?


1.There is a clock _______ the wall near the window.
2.There is a window _______ the clock and the shelves.
3.There are three pictures _______ the wall near the door.
4.There is a table_______ the room.
5.There is a long sofa _______ the table.
6.There are some books ______ the shelves.
7.There is a small sofa ______ near the door.
8.There are two sofas _______the door.

Ⅱ. 用适当的介词填空。

1. The hotel is next ______ the supermarket.

2. Is there a park ______ the neighborhood?

3. There is a restaurant ______ the library and the school.

4. The school is across _______ the bank.

5. -Where is the bank?

-It’s ______Bridge Street.

6. The broom (扫帚) is ______ the door. We can’t see it.

7. They will arrive _____London next Monday.

8. Walk ______ Seventh Avenue. The hotel is _____ your left.

9. I put some flowers next ______my window.

10. Excuse me. Is there a fruit market______ here?

Ⅲ. 选词填空。

1. He moves and talks _______(as/like) his father.

2. There is a pay phone _______ (next/ next to) the bank.

3. There is a tree ______ ( in the front of / in front of) the house.

4. He is standing ______ ( among / between) his students.

5. Don’t walk ______ ( cross / across) the road.

Ⅳ. 选择填空。
1. ______ the afternoon of March 8, the woman in the city had a big party.
    A. To        B. In        C. At        D. On

2. Does your father go to work, _______ foot or _______ bike?
    A. on; with    B. with; on    C. by; on    D. on; by

3. Lucy was _______ duty yesterday, but she forgot to clean the classroom.
    A. in        B. on        C. at        D. of

4. -How are you going to the train station to meet your aunt?
    -I’m going there _______ my car.
    A. by        B. in        C. to        D. on
5. We walk ______ the park and enjoy our meal under a tree.

A. across           B. on

C. between        D. through

6. You have to turn left ______ the first crossing.

A. on       B. in       C. at       D. to
7. The plane arrived at London airport ______ Wednesday.
    A. on        B. at        C. in        D. for

8. Days are longer ______ summer than ___________ winter.
    A. in/in               B. in/on

C. from/to   D. to/in

9. He said that he would meet us ____ the cinema.
    A. in        B. at        C. on        D. of

10. Can you tell me the way ______ Shanghai Zoo?
    A. to        B. at        C. for        D. towards


1. The Dragon Boat Festival this year will come _____ four days.

A. after      B. for     C. during    D. in

2.-Who is your favorite singer, Mike?

-TF Boys. They are very _____ boys and girls.

A. proud of       B. popular with

C. strict with      D. worried about

3.-Could you tell me the way _____ the railway station?

-Go along this road and soon you’ll find it.

A. at     B. to      C. in     D. between


Ⅰ. 看图填空。

1. There is a clock on the wall near the window. 在窗子旁边的墙上有一个钟。
2. There is a window between the clock and the shelves. 在钟和书架中间有一扇窗子。
3. There are three pictures on the wall near the door. 在门旁边的墙上有3幅画。
4. There is a table in the middle of the room. 在房间中央有一张桌子。
5. There is a long sofa next to the table. 在桌子旁边有一张长沙发。
6. There are some books on the shelves. 在书架上有些书。
7. There is a small sofa in the corner near the door. 在门旁边的角落里有张小沙发。
8. There are two sofas in front of the door. 在门前有两张沙发。
Ⅱ. 用适当的介词填空。

1. to   2. in  3. between

4. from  5. on

6. behind  7. in

8. along / down , on

9. to  10. near

Ⅲ. 选词填空。

1. like  2. next to

3. in front of  4. among

5. across

Ⅳ. 选择填空。

1. D。具体到某一天的下午要用介词on。

2. D。on foot 意为“步行”,by bike 意为“骑自行车”。

3. B。on duty意为“做值日”。

4. B。in one’s car 意为“做/开某人的车”。

5. D。从内部通过要用through。

6. C。表示“在第几个十字路口”用介词at。

7. A。在星期前用介词on。

8. A。在季节前用介词in。

9. B。在地点前用介词at。

10. A。“the way to +地点”意为“去……的路”。


1. D。in+一段时间,用在一般将来时,意为“多长时间之后”。这里是四天后将是龙舟节。

2. B。be popular with意为“受……欢迎”,这里指“TF Boys很受男孩和女孩们的欢迎”。

3. B。the way to后接地名,表示“通往某地的路”。

