


一、Copy the sentences. 正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写及标点符号。7分

may i have some apples please sure

二、Look and write. 看图写出单词或词组。8分


_________            2.



___________           4.



___________         6.



_________            8.


三、Write about the words a required. 按要求写单词。6分

1.peach (复数)_____________


3.is not (缩写形式) ________

4.they’re (完整形式)__________

5.red (同类词)___________


四、Choose the best answer. 选择正确的答案,将其编号填在括号内。12分

(  )1. --What _____ this? --It’s my classroom.

A. am    B. is    C. are

(  )2. --How are you, Peter? --________.

A. He’s fine.    B. He’s five.    C. Very well.

(  )3. --________ is your sister? --Six.

A. How many    B. How old    C. How much

(  )4. What colour ______ it?

A. is     B. am    C. are

(  )5. --Can you _______? --Yes, I can.

A. ding      B. singing     C. to sing

(  )6. This is _______ orange. It’s yummy.

A. a       B. an       C. /

(  )7. --Is this your ball? --Yes, _________.

A. is it     B. it is     C. my ball

(  )8. This is our playground. We ______ on it.

A. playing football    B. plays football    C. play football

(  )9. She can see many ______ in the tree.

A. bird      B. birds      C. some birds

(  )10. It’s cold. Please ______ the window.

A. open      B. close      C. clean

(  )11. Look! This is _______ big insect.

A. an      B. a      C. and

(  )12. I have some kites. _______ yellow.

A. It’s      B. They are      C. There are

五、Read and choose 应答配对,在括号内写上相应答句的编号。5分

(  )1. What colour is the plant?       A. Yes. They are pink.

(  )2. What colour are the plants?     B. It’s in the school.

(  )3. Are the plants pink?            C. It’s pink.

(  )4. Where are the plants?           D. They are red.

(  )5. Where is the plant?             E. They are in the school.

六、Read and choose根据情境选择最合适的句子,将其编号写在括号内。12分

(  )1. 你想知道新来的同学叫什么名字,你问:

A. How are you?        B. What’s your name?

(  )2. 老师请你关上窗户,她说:

A. Clean the window, please.    B. Close the window, please.

(  )3. 你想知道Joe的新自行车是什么颜色的,可以问Joe:

A. What colour is Joe’s new bicycle?   B. What colour is your bicycle?

(  )4. 做游戏时,你的伙伴猜你是Linda, 会说:

A. I’m Linda.         B. You’re Linda.

(  )5. 你到水果店去买桃子,营业员会对你说:

A. Can I help you?     B. May I have some peaches, please?

(  )6. 你想知道远处是不是Kitty的学校,可以问她:

A. Is this your school?     B. Is that your school?

七、Read and judge 阅读短文判断用“T”或“F”表示。5分

Hello, my name is Peter. I’m a boy. I’m ten years old. I’m big. I am tall and fat. I can read and write. I can draw pictures, too. This is a picture of a zoo. You can see three red foxes, five black and write pandas, nine tall giraffes and two fat elephants. The elephant has eight bananas. But the small monkey has only one banana.

(   )1. Peter is a boy.

(   )2. He is not big.

(   )3. He can draw pictures.

(   )4. There are four black and white pandas.

(   )5. The monkey has a banana.

八、Write about your school. 介绍你的学校,至少写5句话。5分

My school

