
1. The author affects _____ in the tone of his novels that is quite at odds with his predilection for invective in his nonfiction publications.

A. a tenacity

B. a neutrality

C. a pugnacity

D. an effusiveness

E. an irascibility


逻辑关系提示词:at odds with,取反



  tenacity 固执

  Neutrality 中立

  Pugnacity 好战

  Effusiveness 热情

  Irascibility 易怒

2. We often regard natural phenomena like rainfall as mysterious and unpredictable; although for short time spans and particular places they appear so, in fact on a truly global scale, nature has been a model of _____.

A. reliability

B. diversity

C. complexity

D. plasticity

E. discontinuity



填空对应:mysterious and unpredictable

词汇:reliability 可靠

Diversity 多样性

Complexity 复杂

Plasticity 可塑性

Discontinuity 中断

3.Reviews written by music critic and composer Stephenson were hardly (i)_____ : musicians who performed his music could count on sympathetic coverage, while those who ignored him were held to (ii)_____ standards.

A. disinterested D. exacting

B. lucid E. minimal

C. conventional F. accepted



填空对应:sympathetic - blank ii;


词汇:disinterested 公正的

  Lucid 明晰的

  Conventional 传统的

  Exacting 严格的

  Minimal 最小的

  Accepted 公认的

4.Earlier discussions with neighboring countries (i)_____ due to the government’s failure to alter policies that those countries find objectionable. Moreover, there is every reason to (ii)_____ the success of further talks, since the government if anything different, more intransigent.

A. commenced D. doubt

B. advanced E. undermine

C. foundered F. anticipate


逻辑关系提示词:due to,取同;moreover,取同

填空对应:failure - blank i - blank ii;

词汇:commence 开始

  Advance 发展

  Founder 失败

  Doubt 怀疑

  Undermine 削弱

  Anticipate 预测

5.During the Harlem Renaissance, Alain Locke (i)_____ the first flourishing of a self-consciously racial art movement in America and was widely credited with providing the philosophical basis for its emergence. His importance as a critic of African America art and as an art theorist is (ii)_____ if controversial, yet he has received (iii)_____ attention for his unique insight into the broad forces that shaped American modernism and cultural nationalism in the visual arts.

A. forestalled D. undisputed

G. undeserved

B. presided over E. misleading

H. meticulous

C. seethed over F. questionable

I. insufficient



填空对应:importance - blank i;controversial - blank ii; importance - blank iii;

词汇:forestall 预先阻止

  Preside over 主持

  Seethed over 抑制住

  Undisputed 无可置疑的

  Misleading 误导的

  Questionable 可疑的

  Undeserved 不应得的

  Meticulous 一丝不苟的

  Insufficient 不足的

6.The perennial problem for critics of nineteenth-century novelist Charlotte Yonge is therelationship of her realism to her (i)_____. While admiring her complex psychological portraits and detailed descriptions of quotidian family life, readers since her own time have tended to fault her improbable manipulation of plot to teach a moral lesson. Indeed, many critics (ii)_____ her because of her willingness to (iii)_____.

A. pessimism D. dismiss

G. squander suspense

B. didacticism E. applaud

H. sacrifice credibility

C. eclecticism F. underestimate

I. deflate pretension



填空对应:blank i - teach a moral lesson; fault - blank ii; improbable - blank iii;

词汇:pessimism 悲观

  Didacticism 说教

  Eclecticism 折中主义

  Dismiss 解散

  Applaud 赞同

  Underestimate 低估

  Squander suspense 浪费暂停

  Sacrifice credibility 牺牲可信度

  Deflate pretension 缩小自负

7.In its few decades of existence, the field of technology assessment has undergone large changes: its original high ambitions to predict consequences of technology have been _____ if not discarded.

A. deferred

B. subverted

C. abandoned

D. relinquished

E. tempered

F. modulated



填空对应:high ambition

词汇:defer 推迟

  Subvert 颠覆

  Abandon - relinquish 放弃

  Temper - modulate 调和

8.The critic claims that, contrary to its reputation for _____, the novelist’s prose is full of opaque language games.

A. scrupulousness

B. simplicity

C. mendacity

D. artlessness

E. polish

F. meticulousness




词汇:scrupulousness - meticulousness 小心

  Simplicity- artlessness 简单

  Mendacity 谎言

  Polish 完善

9.Ancient cave painters explored every surface, and although they bypassed certain walls that to us seem just as suitable for decoration as ones they chose, the placement of the art apparently wasn’t _____.

A. inconsequential

B. capricious

C. strenuous

D. undisclosed

E. arduous

F. impulsive



填空对应:bypassed certain walls

词汇:inconsequential 不重要的

  Capricious - impulsive 变化无常的

  Strenuous - arduous 费力的

  Undisclosed 未泄露的  

10.Even before she went to art school, Veronica found the standard design categories _____: she didn’t understand why designing buildings and designing tables should require different sensibilities.

A. provocative

B. limiting

C. stimulating

D. confusing

E. confining

F. exhilarating



填空对应:didn’t understand ... require different sensibilities

词汇:provocative - stimulating 刺激的

  Limiting - confining 限制

  Confusing 困惑的

  Exhilarating 令人高兴的


