
Isha Kriya Meditation found to reduce tension, anger, fatigue, confusion, and depression.

研究发现Isha Kriya冥想可以减轻紧张、愤怒、疲劳、思维混乱和抑郁。

Meditation has always been a go-to solution for those who seek to be more peaceful and joyful. A group of researchers who have experienced the impact that meditation has on their own lives and witnessed it in the lives of others were interested in illustrating the specific impact of Isha Kriya on their colleagues in the medical profession. This research was conducted through Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) and Harvard Medical School (HMC) using a guided meditation called Isha Kriya.

对于那些寻求平和与快乐的人来说,冥想一直是一种可靠的方法。一组研究人员在体验了冥想对自身生命的影响,并见证了它对他人生命的影响后,想要进一步说明它对医学界同事的具体影响。这项研究由贝斯以色列女执事医疗中心(BIDMC)和哈佛医学院(HMC)执行,使用的是一项名为Isha Kriya的引导冥想。

Isha Kriya is a simple and powerful meditation created by Sadhguru. Daily practice of Isha Kriya brings health, dynamism, peace and wellbeing. What makes Isha Kriya special is its simplicity and effectiveness. It can be practiced anywhere and just 12 to 18 minutes of practice per day is all it takes to bring a profound transformation in your life.

Isha Kriya(Isha克里亚)是一项由萨古鲁创的简单而强大的冥想。每日练习Isha Kriya能带来健康、活力、平和与幸福。Isha Kriya之所以如此特别是因为它简单而有效。你可以在任何地方练习,每天只需要12-18分钟的练习就能为你的生命带来深刻的改变。

Its well known that surgeons and other operating room professionals often face exceptional demands at work from the care of critically ill patients. These demands often trigger high stress levels and burnout. Very few receive training in managing this stress, yet coping skills for healthcare workers are crucial to prevent stress, increase happiness, reduce the likelihood of human error, and improve patient safety. As a first step towards addressing this, the study assesses stress levels among anesthesiologists, nurses, and surgeons. It further evaluates the effectiveness of meditation in reducing stress.


More than 300 anesthesiologists, surgeons, residents, attending physicians, and nurses participated in a survey that measures stress. This survey clearly illustrated that majority experience moderate levels of stress. Within the same group, total mood disturbances were found to be significantly reduced after practicing the Isha Kriya guided meditation just once! Negative disturbances such as tension, anger, fatigue, confusion, and depression were significantly reduced after the meditation with anger being the most significantly reduced. Similar results were also observed in a group of 44 anesthesiologists attending the American Society of Anesthesiology (ASA) conference.

300多名麻醉师、外科医生、住院医师、主治医师和护士参加了一项压力测量调查。这项调查清楚地表明,大多数人经历中等程度的压力。在同一组中,仅练习一次Isha Kriya引导冥想,就发现总体情绪紊乱显著减少!负面干扰如紧张、愤怒、疲劳、思维混乱和抑郁在冥想后显著减少,其中愤怒的减少最为显著。在参加美国麻醉学会(ASA)研讨会的44名麻醉医师中也观察到了类似的结果。

The present study showed important findings:

· Operating room professionals had higher levels of stress than general population

· Physicians in particular the surgeons had higher stress levels compared to others

· Among physicians, residents and fellows in training had higher stress levels

· Isha Kriya significantly reduced total mood disturbances and negative emotions

· Anger and depression were profoundly reduced after Isha Kriya

· Significant changes occurred even after one sitting of Isha Kriya


  • 手术室专业人员的压力水平高于一般人群

  • 医生尤其是外科医生的压力水平高于其他人

  • 在医生中,住院医生和培训研究员具有较高的压力水平

  • Isha Kriya显著减轻了总体情绪紊乱和负面情绪

  • 练习Isha Kriya之后,愤怒和抑郁情绪极大地减轻

  • 仅练习Isha Kriya一次之后,就会发生显著变化

This suggests that Isha Kriya might improve mood regulation and the ability to deal stress and burnout, which may in turn improve workplace well-being, patient safety, and quality of care. They concluded that the practice of Isha Kriya guided meditation as part of a daily routine to improve wellbeing among operating room professionals needs to be considered.

这说明Isha Kriya可以改善情绪调节以及处理压力和倦怠的能力,从而提升工作场所的幸福感、患者的安全、和护理的质量。他们得出结论的是:需要考虑将Isha Kriya引导冥想作为日常习练的一部分,以提升手术室专业人员的幸福安康。




Isha Kriya 是一个简单而有效的过程,植根于瑜伽科学的永恒智慧。由萨古鲁提供,它有潜力改变任何愿意每天投资12分钟的人的生活。

每日练习Isha Kriya有助于带来健康、活力、平和与幸福。它是应对现代生活繁忙节奏的有力工具。经常练习Isha Kriya可以在很多方面提升你的生活。Isha Kriya有助于:
  • 发展头脑清晰度与专注力
  • 培养头脑稳定性

  • 创造平和与幸福


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— 吉尔·乔尼斯 ,美国


— 奥尔咖·阿维拉,荷兰


— 阿里达·霍恩,美国宾夕法尼亚州

