They can be used to identify latent subgroups, classes or clusters of individuals based on their common growth trajectories over time.
LCGA can roughly be seen as an extension of a fixed effect growth model, whereas GMM can be seen as an extension of a random effect growth model
A special case of GMMs is latent class growth analysis (LCGA)[15],[16] which does not allow for departure from the average trajectory within each latent class。Thus, in contrast to mixed effects models where each subject's intercept and slope are drawn from a normal distribution or GCMMs where they are drawn from a mixture of normal distributions,LCGAs allow only for a limited set of discrete options。
lcga1 <-hlme(y ~ time, subject = "ID", ng = 1, data = mydata)
lcga2 <-gridsearch(rep = 100, maxiter = 10, minit = lcga1,
hlme(y ~ time, subject = "ID",
ng = 2, data = mydata, mixture = ~ time))
lcga3 <-gridsearch(rep = 100, maxiter = 10, minit = lcga1,
hlme(y ~ time, subject = "ID",
ng = 3, data = mydata, mixture = ~ time))
summarytable(lcga1, lcga2, lcga3)
gmm1 <-hlme(y ~ time, subject = "ID", random=~1, ng = 1, data = mydata)
gmm2 <-gridsearch(rep = 100, maxiter = 10, minit = gmm1,
hlme(y ~ time, subject = "ID", random=~1,
ng = 2, data = mydata, mixture = ~ time, nwg=T))
gmm3 <-gridsearch(rep = 100, maxiter = 10, minit = gmm1,
hlme(y ~ time, subject = "ID", random=~1,ng = 3,
data = mydata, mixture = ~ time, nwg=T))
summarytable(gmm1, gmm2, gmm3)
gmm1_2 <-hlme(y ~ time, subject = "ID", random=~1 + time, ng = 1,
data =mydata)
gmm2_2 <-gridsearch(rep = 100, maxiter = 10, minit = gmm1_2,
hlme(y ~ time, subject = "ID", random=~1 + time,
ng = 2, data = mydata, mixture = ~ time, nwg=T))
gmm3_2 <-gridsearch(rep = 100, maxiter = 10, minit = gmm1_2,
hlme(y ~ time, subject = "ID", random=~1+time,ng = 3,
data = mydata, mixture = ~ time, nwg=T))
summarytable(gmm1_2, gmm2_2, gmm3_2)
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