

PATTERN (NCT01216111): Adjuvant Platinum and Taxane in Triple-negative Breast Cancer (A Prospective, Randomized, Open-label, Multicentric, phase III Clinical Trial Compared With PC and CEF100 Followed by Docetaxel as Adjuvant Chemotherapy Regimen for Chinese Primary Triple Negative Breast Cancer Patients)


  2021年9月26日,国际转化医学会《临床与转化医学》(Clin Transl Med. IF: 11.492)在线发表复旦大学附属肿瘤医院朱思远、马丁、叶富贵、邵志敏、余科达等学者的PATTERN研究基因组特征和生物标志物分析,对三阴性乳腺癌术后化疗的同源重组缺陷和糖酵解相关通路进行了详细解读。

  该研究对其中132例患者进行全外显子组测序、转录组测序、拷贝数检测等多组学分析(图S1),并对患者的无复发生存进行长期随访。PATTERN研究多组学队列与整个队列的两组患者特征分布参见表S1。随后,利用国际乳腺癌分子分类联盟 (METABRIC) 数据库165例三阴性乳腺癌术后蒽环类+紫杉类化疗患者的转录组数据进行外部验证,PATTERN研究多组学队列与METABRIC队列的特征比较参见表S2。





  • 重组修复缺陷评分高于中位值的患者复发或死亡风险低70%(图2A,风险比:0.30,95%置信区间:0.09~0.95,P=0.03)

  • 重组修复缺陷评分低于中位值的患复发或死亡风险相似(图2B,风险比:1.53,95%置信区间:0.59~3.96,P=0.38)


  • 新白金方案的复发或死亡风险低64%(风险比:0.36,95%置信区间:0.11~1.19,P=0.08)

  • 金标准方案的复发或死亡风险相似(风险比:1.81,95%置信区间:0.72~4.53,P=0.20)。



  • 同源重组缺陷相关突变特征值高于中位值的患者复发或死亡风险低74%(图2C,风险比:0.26,95%置信区间:0.06~1.20,P=0.06)

  • 同源重组缺陷相关突变特征值低于中位值的患者复发或死亡风险相似(图2D,风险比:0.97,95%置信区间:0.31~3.04,P=0.96)。


  • 新白金方案的复发或死亡风险相似(风险比:0.39,95%置信区间:0.08~1.95,P=0.24)

  • 金标准方案的复发或死亡风险相似(风险比:1.61,95%置信区间:0.56~4.63,P=0.37)。





  • 金标准方案的复发或死亡风险显著较高(图3C左,风险比:3.43,95%置信区间:1.37~8.60,P=0.01)

  • 新白金方案的复发或死亡风险相似(图3C中,风险比:0.47,95%置信区间:0.10~2.23,P=0.33)。







Clin Transl Med. 2021 Sep 26;11(9):e513.

Homologous recombination deficiency and glycolysis-related pathway in adjuvant chemotherapy for triple-negative breast cancer: A genomic landscape and biomarker assessment of the PATTERN trial.

Zhu SY, Ma D, Ye FG, Shao ZM, Yu KD.

Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai, China; Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai, China; Shanghai Key Laboratory of Breast Cancer, Shanghai, China.

Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is associated with genome-wide instability caused by mutations in homologous recombination repair mechanism, and the application of DNA-damaging compounds has been explored for TNBC. Recently, we performed the PATTERN trial (NCT01216111) to compare six cycles of paclitaxel plus carboplatin (PCb) with a standard-dose regimen of three cycles of cyclophosphamide/epirubicin/fluorouracil followed by three cycles of docetaxel (CEF-T) in the adjuvant setting of early-stage TNBC, and the result indicated a superior efficacy of the carboplatin-containing regimen and good tolerance to both treatments. In this study, we conducted multi-omic profiling on 132 patients in the PATTERN cohort to investigate potential biomarkers for a more precise choice of adjuvant chemotherapy regimen for TNBC. We found that homologous recombination deficiency (HRD) score might serve as a biomarker of adjuvant carboplatin-containing regimen for TNBC, and upregulation of glycolysis and hypoxia-related pathways might participate in underlying mechanisms of anthracycline/taxane-based regimen resistance.

The abovementioned 132 patients in the PATTERN cohort have been enrolled into the Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center Triple-Negative Breast Cancer (FUSCC-TNBC) program to receive whole-exome sequencing, RNA sequencing, and copy number detection. We investigated the association of multi-omic data with relapse-free survival (RFS) to explore potential biomarkers. Figure S1 shows the distribution of cases enrolled. Table S1 demonstrated characteristics of the PATTERN cohort and the patients involved. Additional transcriptomic data of 165 TNBC patients who received anthracycline/taxane-based chemotherapy in the Molecular Taxonomy of Breast Cancer International Consortium (METABRIC) database were analyzed for external validation. Table S2 illustrates the characteristics of these patients.

Clinicopathologic and molecular characteristics were similar between the two arms (Figure 1 and Table 1). FUSCC subtype composition of this cohort was similar to that of the whole FUSCC-TNBC cohort (Figure 1A). TP53 (76.4%), PIK3CA (18.0%), KMT2C (9.0%), PTEN (6.7%), and NF1 (5.6%) were the most frequently mutated genes (Figure 1B). HRD-related signatures (signature 3 and 8) and clock-like signatures (signature 1 and 5) were the dominant mutational signatures (Figure 1C). Furthermore, 115 cases in this cohort with copy number-based HRD score, which has been reported to be a potential predictor for a platinum-containing regimen, had a median value of 26.0 (Figure 1D).

Subsequently, we investigated the predictive effect of HRD score and HRD-related mutational signature. We found the interaction of HRD score and the two different chemotherapy regimens for RFS was significant (interaction p = 0.01), while there was no statistically significant interaction between HRD-related mutational signature and different treatments (interaction p = 0.19). Then, patients were sorted by their HRD score value regardless of the regimen. In patients with values above the median, PCb was associated with significantly longer RFS compared with CEF-T (Figure 2A hazard ratio [HR] = 0.30, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.09-0.95, p = 0.03), while no evidence of different efficacy was found in the patients with lower HRD scores (Figure 2B HR = 1.53, 95% CI 0.59-3.96, p = 0.38). Consistently, within the PCb cohort, patients with HRD score above the median had a borderline significantly better RFS than the rest (HR = 0.36, 95% CI 0.11-1.19, p = 0.08), while no significant difference in RFS was detected in the CEF-T cohort (HR = 1.81, 95% CI 0.72-4.53, p = 0.20).

Although HRD is reversible, mutational signatures would not disappear, even if the defect is no longer active. Patients were also sorted by their HRD-related mutational signature value regardless of the regimen. There was a borderline significant difference in RFS between the PCb arm and the CEF-T arm in patients whose values were above the median (Figure 2C HR = 0.26, 95% CI 0.06-1.20, p = 0.06), while the outcome of the two cohorts was similar in the rest (Figure 2D HR = 0.97, 95% CI 0.31-3.04, p = 0.96). No significant difference in RFS was observed between the patients with values above the median and patients with values below the median in the PCb cohort (HR = 0.39, 95% CI 0.08-1.95, p = 0.24) or the CEF-T cohort (HR = 1.61, 95% CI 0.56-4.63, p = 0.37).

Additionally, we also investigated the predictive effect of the intrinsic subtype and the FUSCC subtype. Multivariate analyses based on HRD score and HRD-related mutational signature were also conducted, and the results were consistent with the univariate analysis (Table S3).

Furthermore, taking advantage of the RNA sequencing data, we found a couple of hypoxia and glycolysis-related pathways associated with inferior prognosis in the CEF-T cohort (Figure 3A). This finding was validated in the TNBC patients who received chemotherapy in METABRIC (Figure 3B). Moreover, upregulation of the gene set variation analysis score of Reactome glycolysis, a representative pathway regarding hypoxia and glycolysis, predicted inferior RFS in patients receiving CEF-T (Figure 3C, left, HR = 3.43, 95% CI 1.37-8.60, p = 0.01), but not in those receiving PCb (Figure 3C, middle, HR = 0.47, 95% CI 0.10-2.23, p = 0.33). Association of Reactome glycolysis with worse RFS was also validated in the TNBC patients who received chemotherapy in METABRIC (Figure 3C, right, HR = 1.72, 95% CI 1.08-2.73, p = 0.02).

Association between upregulation of glycolysis and hypoxia-related pathways and inferior prognosis in the CEF-T cohort was observed, and similar results were validated in METABRIC. Metabolic reprogramming is a major hallmark of tumor cells, and chemotherapy-resistant TNBC cells usually display an enhanced glycolytic phenotype. Our findings suggest that tumor cells are possible to develop resistance to anthracycline/taxane regimen through transforming their expression of metabolic pathways. Thus, application of glycolytic inhibitors could become a potential treatment strategy to adopt.

In conclusion, the HRD score may serve as a biomarker to predict the efficacy of an adjuvant carboplatin-containing regimen for TNBC. Upregulation of glycolysis and hypoxia-related pathways was associated with inferior prognosis of patients treated by adjuvant anthracycline/taxane regimen. Whether metabolic alterations participate in resistance needs to be further studied, and relevant treatment strategies are worth exploring.

PMID: 34586725

DOI: 10.1002/ctm2.513



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