火遍西岸的色彩魔术师 | Quintessenz






Together, the Hanover and Berlin-based artists Thomas Granseuer and Tomislav Topic constitute Quintessenz. Starting out as students at the University of applied Science and Arts in Hildesheim, they developed a unique an unmistakeable signature style. With roots in both grafitti-culture and chromatics, Quintessenz combine painting, moving image, and installation.

Space is the fundamental inspiration for Quintessenz. Their work not only uses shapes and patterns found in architecture, it interferes with its environment, changing the spectators perception (of space). Quintessenz use old factory buildings as their canvases, with their murals covering entire facades. In every medium they use, both in public spaces and galleries, their abstract work shares one thing in common: their art makes/creates space for its color. To Quintessenz, color is more than form. It is the content itself.

Quintessenz由成员Thomas Granseuer和Tomislav组成。二人在希尔德斯海姆应用艺术与科学大学(University of Applied Arts and sciences in Hildesheim)就读时就开始一起做作品,最早是涂鸦,后来是定格动画,近两年则主要是以以颜色视效为特点的大型作品。


在创作上,两位艺术家主要受到奥拉维尔·埃利亚松(Olafur Eliasson)、凯瑟琳娜·格罗斯(Katharina Grosse)、弗兰克·斯特拉(Frank Stella)、丹·弗莱文(Dan Flavin)和马克·罗斯科(Mark Rothko)的影响。

Work Portfolio

project : Kagkatikas Secret

project : central color station

project : carme genesis

project : nenuphar de molitor

project : flickering lights

project : Chang(n)ing Colorways

project : Paradis Perdus

project : after laughter

project : barolo

project : colormaze

project : collusion

