






  1. 应在康复早期提供营养支持。

  2. 肠内营养支持应优先于肠外营养支持。

  3. 应尽快启动常规口服饮食或肠内喂养。

  4. 对于烧伤面积超过其体表面积20%的患者,应采用高蛋白质饮食并提供足够热卡以满足能量需求。成人应接受蛋白质1.5~2g/kg/d,儿童应接受3g/kg/d。

  5. 能量需求应根据采用烧伤面积大小、年龄、体重等变量的公式进行估算。

Burns. 2016 Aug;42(5):953-1021.

ISBI Practice Guidelines for Burn Care.

ISBI Practice Guidelines Committee; Steering Subcommittee; Advisory Subcommittee.


  • An important component of the goal of education is to be able to communicate a consensus opinion on different aspects of management, one that could serve to benchmark a standard of burn care.

  • The purpose of setting forth practice guidelines is to define the most effective and efficient methods of evaluation and management of burn injuries.

  • The ISBI Guidelines for Burn Care has been written to address the needs of burn specialists everywhere in the world.

Practice guidelines (PGs) are recommendations for diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries, and are designed to define optimal evaluation and management. The first PGs for burn care addressed the issues encountered in developed countries, lacking consideration for circumstances in resource-limited settings (RLS). Thus, the mission of the 2014-2016 committee established by the International Society for Burn Injury (ISBI) was to create PGs for burn care to improve the care of burn patients in both RLS and resource-abundant settings. An important component of this effort is to communicate a consensus opinion on recommendations for burn care for different aspects of burn management. An additional goal is to reduce costs by outlining effective and efficient recommendations for management of medical problems specific to burn care. These recommendations are supported by the best research evidence, as well as by expert opinion. Although our vision was the creation of clinical guidelines that could be applicable in RLS, the ISBI PGs for Burn Care have been written to address the needs of burn specialists everywhere in the world.

Topics developed in current ISBI practice guidelines.

  1. Organization and delivery of burn care

  2. Initial assessment and stabilization

  3. Smoke inhalation injury: diagnosis and treatment

  4. Burn shock resuscitation

  5. Escharotomy and fasciotomy in burn care

  6. Wound care

  7. Surgical management of the burn wound

  8. Nonsurgical management of burn scars

  9. Infection prevention and control

  10. Antibiotic stewardship

  11. Nutrition

  12. Rehabilitation: positioning of the burn patient

  13. Rehabilitation: splinting of the burn patient

  14. Pruritus management

  15. Ethical issues

  16. Quality improvement

12. Nutrition


  1. Nutritional support should be provided during the acute phase of recovery.

  2. Enteral nutritional support should be used in preference to parenteral nutritional support.

  3. Conventional oral diets or enteral feedings should be initiated as soon as possible.

  4. For patients with burns covering more than 20% of their body surface area, a high protein diet should be used with provision of adequate calories to meet energy needs. Adults should receive 1.5-2 g of protein per kilogram body weight per day (g/kg/d), and children should receive 3 g/kg/d.

  5. Energy requirements should be estimated by formulas that use variables such as burn size and age, and weight.

PMID: 27542292

DOI: 10.1016/j.burns.2016.05.013

Burns. 2016 Aug;42(5):951-2.

ISBI Practice Guidelines for Burn Care: Editorial.

Ahuja RB.

President, International Society for Burn Injuries (ISBI), Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery, Lok Nayak Hospital and Associated Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi 110002, India.

PMID: 27422355

DOI: 10.1016/j.burns.2016.06.020

