原文链接(点击文末 阅读原文 可跳转):https://articles.starcitygames.com/premium/everything-i-know-about-azorius-control-yorion-sky-nomad-in-core-set-2021-standard/原文我就不翻译了,总结一下:PV 认为虽然这套牌不如铁木尔复归荒野和班特ramp,也打不过这两套牌,但对付所有的快攻套牌都游刃有余。有两种情况可以选择玩这套牌:①认为环境中快攻套牌比复归荒野/班特要多;②去 MTGA 的 Standard Challenge 摸鱼虽是这么说,但有人就用这套牌席卷了7月18日的 MO 挑战赛,牌表可以在 [标准第四周MO挑战赛——多温的否决!] 内找到翻译一份换备,仅供参考
Companion1 Yorion, Sky NomadDeck7 Plains9 Island2 Absorb4 Hallowed Fountain4 Temple of Enlightenment1 Field of Ruin4 Dovin's Veto4 Teferi, Time Raveler4 Narset, Parter of Veils2 Mystical Dispute4 Glass Casket2 Castle Vantress1 Castle Ardenvale4 Fabled Passage4 Omen of the Sea4 The Birth of Meletis3 Omen of the Sun4 Elspeth Conquers Death4 Shatter the Sky4 Shark Typhoon2 Raugrin Triome3 Yorion, Sky NomadSideboard2 Disdainful Stroke2 Commence the Endgame2 Aether Gust2 Mystical Dispute2 Brazen Borrower1 Omen of the Sun3 Archon of Sun's Grace1 Yorion, Sky Nomad END