英语冷知识:你为什么要说"Bless you"祝福打喷嚏的人?

Why are we blessing people who sneeze and where does this custom come from?


New Words

practice美 ['præktɪs] n.惯例

superstition美 [,supɚ'stɪʃən] n. 迷信

expel美 [ɪk'spɛl]  vt. 驱逐;开除

remedy美 ['rɛmədi]  vt. 补救;治疗;纠正

potential美 [pə'tɛnʃl]  n.可能性;

sneezer ['sni:zə] n. 打喷嚏者;鼻子

plague美 [pleɡ]  n. 瘟疫;灾祸;


The practice of blessing someone after a sneeze is probably as old as the first century. The origin of the practice is most likely rooted in superstition:


Some thought that sneezing was expelling the holy spirit from their body, and the only way to remedy this was to bless the person who sneezed so God would forgive them.


Others believed that it was actually evil spirits leaving the body, which had the potential to endanger others once they were out in the open. The blessing was to protect those around the sneezers.


There was once a school of thought that people actually DIED for a brief moment when they sneezed.


During a plague that occurred in Italy in AD 590, sneezing was, or was thought to be, a sign that someone was getting sick with the plague. There is a legend that Pope Gregory I commanded that, any time a sneeze was heard, the sneezer was to be blessed by saying, “God bless you,” as protection against the plague.


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