


Chinese wines,most of which are made from grains,stay close with the agriculture and become part of the agricultural economy.The production of grains is the index of the prosperity of the wine industry.Rulers of all feudal dynasties would promulgate wine bans or lifting of wine bans according to the production of grains,so as to adjust the wine production and guarantee the food grains for the people.China is a kingdom of wines.Both the number of wine brands and the production of wines are the champions of the world.China is also the paradise for the drinkers.In either the south or the north,and among people of all ages and genders,the hobby of drinking has lasted thousands of years.What is more,China is the place with the most flourishing wine culture,where drinking is far more than a physical consumption and sensational pleasure.In many occasions,it is a cultural symbol and a cultural consumption,which is used to show etiquette,an atmosphere,a sentiment,and a mood.Wine and poem are bound together like this.






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