荷兰肖像画家费迪南德·博尔 (Ferdinand Bol,1616-1680年)2荷兰肖像画家费迪南德·博尔 (Ferdinand Bol,1616-1680年)2图片来源于:互联网
The Angel Raphael leaves Tobias and his Familyc. 1637-38
Portrait of a Woman
The Governors of the Leprozenhuis1649
Sitting Man with Sword
Rembrandt and Saskia
Aeneas at the Court of Latinus
Portrait of a man1663
Young manc. 1645-46
Young woman with a fan
Portrait of a Woman1642
Portrait of a Man from the Noirot Family
Amor and Venus
Portrait of a man
Portrait of Frederick Sluijsken1652
Moses and Jethro
Gideon\\\'s Sacrifice1640
Johanna de Geer with her daughter Cecilia
Hagar and the angel
The Continence of Scipio
Consul Titus Manlius Torquatus Beheading His Son
Man with a cap with pearlsc. 1643
Joseph intruduces his father to the Pharao
Esther and Mordocaic. 1650
Allegory of Education1663
Diana Hunting
The Dismissal of Hagar
The Women at the Empty Grave of Christ1644
The finding of Moses
Scholar at a tableLate 1640s
Venus and Adonis
A lady with a fan at a window
Old man with beardc. 1648-50
Portrait of a couple as Ariadne and Theseus
Figure from the Old Testament
Jan van der Voort and his sister Catharina
Moses with the Tablets of Law
Elisa refuses Naeman\\\'s gifts1661
Aeneas at the Court of Latinusc. 1662
Rembrandt and Saskia in a landscape
Venus and Adonis
River landscape
Juda and Thamar
Woman at a window
Young woman with pearls in her hair
Portrait of Helena Eckhout
Salomo receiving gift for building the temple
Portrait of a young man
Couple in a landscape
Moses brings the Tablets of Law
Young hunter
Portrait of an elderly man
Young woman
Portrait of a man sitting
Allegory on education