US & EU5 Epidemiology Notes


  • We define total prevalent cases of RA according to the 1987 ACR criteria, which requires fulfillment of at least four of seven criteria: 1. Morning stiffness. 2. Arthritis of three or more joint areas. 3. Arthritis of hand joints. 4. Symmetric arthritis. 5. Rheumatoid nodules. 6. Serum rheumatoid factor. 7. Radiographic changes

  • Alternatively, a patient's symptoms are considered to be satisfying the ACR definition if they include at least criteria 2 and 3, 2 and 6, 2and 7, 4 and 6, or 3 and 6

  • We limit our analysis to persons aged 15 or older because RA that occurs prior to this age is designated as JIA, JCA, or JRA andisdiagnosed according to different criteria than are used in the ACR 1987 classification system

  • We define diagnosed prevalent cases of psoriasis based on physical examination performed by physicians. Although psoriatic lesions often exhibit a typical appearance, there are no standardized criteria in the clinical setting. Thus, we estimate only those cases of psoriasis that are physician-diagnosed, even those that may not be exhibiting symptoms at the time data were collected and are therefore in remission

  • Excludes asymptomatic patients. Includes comorbid psoriatic arthritic patients. Severity is based on physician's subjective assessment

  • We used published studies and opinions of thought leaders throughout the major markets to derive the proportion of patients diagnosed and treated

  • Patients included have confirmed psoriasis diagnosis. Unlike psoriasis, labels of branded therapies for psoriatic arthritis are not restricted to patients based on disease severity

  • We used published studies and opinions of thought leaders throughout the major markets to derive the proportion of patients diagnosed and treated

  • Patients included have confirmed psoriasis diagnosis. Unlike psoriasis, labels of branded therapies for psoriatic arthritis are not restricted to patients based on disease severity

  • We define a diagnosed prevalent case of CD based on a physician diagnosis of clinical symptoms (abdominal pain, weight loss, malaise, diarrhea, and/or rectal bleeding) and histological, endoscopic, radiological, and/or surgical findings. (Prevalence rates are based on Shivashankaret al., 2017 and Kapplemanet al., 2013

  • Other companies appear to be using Kapplemanet al., 2013 only, resulting in lower prevalence rates)

  • Treatment rate includes all conventional, targeted oral, and biologic treatments

  • We define MS based on the McDonald criteria (McDonald WI, 2001; Milo R, 2014) and MS diagnostic codes recorded in nationally representative health insurance, research, and long-term disability databases. In our definition, we also include cases of CIS. When using data that include diagnoses made prior to 2001, we additionally use the Poser criteria to define MS, and include clinically definite, probable, and possible MS cases in our definition. The possible cases include cases of CIS and/or suspectedMS cases. We restrict our analyses to individuals aged ten or older, because MS is rarely diagnosed in children. We define subtypes of prevalent MS cases based on physician diagnosis: RR-MS, CP-MS, which is further categorized into PP-MS and SP-MS, and CIS , i.e. cases that have not yet progressed to MS at the time of diagnosis. The drug-treated estimates include patients in 2020 whowere treated with DMTs—excluding corticosteroids for acute relapses. Drug-treatment rates in our model continue to be lowest in the United Kingdom owing to long-standing barriers in access to specialty MS care in that country.

  • Definition of SLE is important. These numbers are based on criteria used by clinicians to diagnose SLE: the presence of four or more ACR criteria or three ACR criteria along with an SLE diagnosis by a rheumatologist, a biopsy-confirmed diagnosis of LN, or a diagnosis of SLE-related ESRD. In addition, we categorize SLE cases identified from national administrative databases under clinically defined SLE. These prevalence numbers represent patients with any organ affected. LN patients represent ~30% of all SLE cases

