
  • receives MPEG-TS over HTTP

  • produces and manages live HLS

  • produces and manages live MPEG-DASH



Building nginx with the module:

# static module $ ./configure --add-module=/path/to/nginx-ts-module

# dynamic module $ ./configure --add-dynamic-module=/path/to/nginx-ts-module



Syntax: ts                Context: location

Sets up a live MPEG-TS handler for the location. This directive is required for HLS or MPEG-DASH generation.

The last URI component is used as a stream name. For example, if the URI is /foo/bar/baz, the stream name is baz.

A simple way to stream MPEG-TS over HTTP is by running ffmpeg:

$ ffmpeg ... -f mpegts

By default, HTTP request body size is limited in nginx. To enable live streaming without size limitation, use the directive client_max_body_size 0.


Syntax:  ts_hls path=PATH [segment=MIN[:MAX]] [segments=NUMBER] [max_size=SIZE] [noclean]

Context: location

Enables generating live HLS in the location. The PATH parameter specifies a directory where HLS playlist and segment files will be created. The directory is created if missing. For every publshed stream a subdirectory with the stream name is created under the PATH directory. The HLS playlist file created in the stream subdirectory is named index.m3u8. A path handler is installed to watch files in the directory. The old files in the directory are automatically deleted once they get old enough and are not supposed to be accessed by clients anymore. It is not allowed to reuse the path in other ts_hls or ts_dash directives.

The segment parameter specifies minimum and maximum segment durations. If the stream has video, segments are started at video key frames. If a key frame does not appear within MAX duration, the segment is truncated. The default value for minimum segment duration is 5 seconds. If unspecified, maximum segment duration is set to be twice as much as the minimum.

The segments parameter specifies the maximum number of segments in a playlist. As new segments are added to the playlist, the oldest segments are removed from it.

The max_size parameter specifies the maximum size of a segment. A segment is truncated once it reaches this size.

The noclean parameter indicates that the old files (segments and the playlist) should not be automatically deleted from disk.


location / {    ts;    ts_hls path=/var/hls segment=10s;}


Syntax: ts_dash path=PATH [segment=MIN[:MAX]] [segments=NUMBER] [max_size=SIZE] [noclean]

Context: location

Enables generating live MPEG-DASH in the location. The PATH parameter specifies a directory where MPEG-DASH manifest and segment files will be created. The directory is created if missing. For every publshed stream a subdirectory with the stream name is created under the PATH directory. The MPEG-DASH manifest file created in the stream subdirectory is named index.mpd. A path handler is installed to watch files in the directory. The old files in the directory are automatically deleted once they get old enough and are not supposed to be accessed by clients anymore. It is not allowed to reuse the path in other ts_hls or ts_dash directives.

The segment parameter specifies minimum and maximum segment durations. If the stream has video, segments are started at video key frames. If a key frame does not appear within MAX duration, the segment is truncated. The default value for minimum segment duration is 5 seconds. If unspecified, maximum segment duration is set to be twice as much as the minimum.

When setting an explicit value for the MAX parameter, the following note should be taken into account. If the next segment is shorter than the previous one by a factor more that two, dash.js can end up in a busy cycle requesting the second segment over and over again.

The segments parameter specifies the maximum number of segments in a manifest. As new segments are added to the manifest, the oldest segments are removed from it.

The max_size parameter specifies the maximum size of a segment. A segment is truncated once it reaches this size.

The noclean parameter indicates that the old files (segments and the manifest) should not be automatically deleted from disk.


location / {    ts;    ts_dash path=/var/hls segment=10s;}



# nginx.confevents {}http {    server {        listen 8000;        location / {            root html;        }        location /publish/ {            ts;            ts_hls path=/var/media/hls segment=10s;            ts_dash path=/var/media/dash segment=10s;            client_max_body_size 0;        }        location /play/ {            types {                application/x-mpegURL m3u8;                application/dash+xml mpd;                video/MP2T ts;                video/mp4 mp4;            }            alias /var/media/;        }    }}


<body>  <video width="640" height="480" controls autoplay         src="">  </video></body>

MPEG-DASH in HTML using the dash.js player:

<script src=""></script><body>  <video data-dashjs-player         width="640" height="480" controls autoplay         src="">  </video></body>

Broadcasting a single-bitrate mp4 file:

$ ffmpeg -re -i ~/Movies/sintel.mp4 -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb          -c copy -f mpegts

Broadcasting an mp4 file in multiple bitrates. For proper HLS generation streams should be grouped into MPEG-TS programs with the -program option of ffmpeg:

$ ffmpeg -re -i ~/Movies/sintel.mp4 -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb         -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map 0:0 -map 0:1         -c:v:0 copy         -c:a:0 copy         -c:v:1 libx264 -b:v:1 100k         -c:a:1 libfaac -ac:a:1 1 -b:a:1 32k         -program "st=0:st=1" -program "st=2:st=3"         -f mpegts


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