Red Hot Chili Peppers《Road Trippin’》
Everyday music

歌名:《Road Trippin’》
歌者:Red Hot Chili Peppers
词曲:Red Hot Chili Peppers

[Verse 1]
Road trippin’ with my two favorite allies
Fully loaded we got snacks and supplies
It’s time to leave this town, it’s time to steal away
Let’s go get lost anywhere in the U.S.A
Let’s go get lost, let’s go get lost
Blue you sit so pretty west of the one
Sparkles light with yellow icing just a mirror for the sun
Just a mirror for the sun
Just a mirror for the sun
These smiling eyes are just a mirror for
[Verse 2]
So much has come before those battles lost and won
This life is shining more forever in the sun
Now let us check our heads and let us check the surf
Staying high and dry’s more trouble than it’s worth in the sun
Just a mirror for the sun
Just a mirror for the sun
These smiling eyes are just a mirror for
[Verse 3]
In Big Sur we take some time to linger on
We three hunky dory’s got our snakefinger on
Now let us drink the stars, it’s time to steal away
Let’s go get lost right here in the U.S.A
Let’s go get lost, let’s go get lost
Blue you sit so pretty west of the one
Sparkles light with yellow icing, just a mirror for the sun
Just a mirror for the sun
Just a mirror for the sun
These smiling eyes are just a mirror for
These smiling eyes are just a mirror for
Your smiling eyes are just a mirror for

今天分享一首Red Hot Chili Peppers的 《Road Trippin’》。
今天的歌曲来自红辣椒1999年的专辑《Californication(Deluxe Version)》。这首歌是红辣椒为数不多的没有鼓点的歌曲之一,鼓手可以放假了。在他们这首歌的MV中,鼓手Chad Smith只作为了背景板。之所以没用鼓,是与这首歌想表达的内容有关。这首歌讲的是Anthony Kiedis(主唱)与John Frusciante(主音吉他)和Flea(贝斯)三人的三角友情。Anthony Kiedis在采访中说:“这是与我最喜欢的两个盟友的公路旅行。”他之前感到自己被乐队成员冷落,而这次旅行。在歌曲中桥段落的下面有提到。
在这首歌中,歌曲名字只出现了一次,这让人们误以为是“Just a mirror for The Sun”是这首歌的名字,因为这句重复了很多遍。
红辣椒在这首歌中使用了Chamberlin管风琴来获得管弦乐的声音。Anthony Kiedis和Chad Smith在接受《音乐快讯》采访时表示,最初其实是想让传奇齐柏林飞艇乐队的音乐家 John Paul Jones来编排这一部分的。但是预估了将要花多少钱之后,他们决定还是自己搞吧,实在是付不起。这首歌里还出现了大量的和声,用来证明三人的友谊亲密无间。
这首歌描写的公路有人推测是从洛杉矶北部沿着太平洋海岸高速公路(也被称为“the One”)。因为这段路周围的风景非常漂亮(在高速公路的西边是太平洋,东边是高耸入云的山脉和悬崖。晚上回来还能看星空),而且路途很长便于沟通关系。