惊绝:克里斯·库克西(Kris Kuksi)巴洛克风格混合媒体雕塑艺术,怀旧复古,极具戏剧感,令人着迷又令人毛骨悚然!

艺术家克里斯·库克西(Kris Kuksi)因他繁复华丽的巴洛克风格混合媒体雕塑艺术而知名。他的作品题材关于历史、生命、死亡和精神上的冲突,细节极度丰富,令人震惊。




Artist Kris kuksi is known for his elaborate Baroque mixed media sculpture. The themes of his works are about history, life, death and spiritual conflicts. The details are extremely rich and shocking.

Because of his unique and delicate way to create sculptures, which has been a lot of praise and recognition. These extremely complex sculpture processes take a lot of time to assemble, collect, process, cut, and reshape tens of thousands of times in individual places, and finally seamlessly connect like an orchestra. Each sculpture embodies Chris kuxley's trademark philosophy.

His works have won numerous awards and have been exhibited in more than 100 art galleries and museums around the world, including the National Portrait Gallery of the Smithsonian Institute.

Artist Kris kuksi is known for his elaborate Baroque mixed media sculpture. The themes of his works are about history, life, death and spiritual conflicts. The details are extremely rich and shocking.

Because of his unique and delicate way to create sculptures, which has been a lot of praise and recognition. These extremely complex sculpture processes take a lot of time to assemble, collect, process, cut, and reshape tens of thousands of times in individual places, and finally seamlessly connect like an orchestra. Each sculpture embodies Chris kuxley's trademark philosophy.

His works have won numerous awards and have been exhibited in more than 100 art galleries and museums around the world, including the National Portrait Gallery of the Smithsonian Institute.

