

1⃣️ My teenage daughter prefers magazines, especially the agony columns. I jsut can't imagine writing to an agony aunt. It amazes me how people are prepared to discuss their most intimate problems publicly.(p126新闻)

agony这个词很有意思,它的发音像“爱过你”,意思是“肉体或精神的极度痛苦”。agony column,“痛苦的专栏”是什么鬼

在英式表达中,agnoy colum表示“读者问答专栏”,一般读者会问一些比较私密的话题。在美式表达中用advice column。

agnony aunt是在这个专栏答疑解惑的作家,和我们常说的“知心姐姐”👩差不多。美式表达中用advice columnist。

2⃣️ The company became a lame duck 🦆 and collapsed after five years.(p136工业化)

lame本身的意思是“瘸的”,口语中常用来表示 “没劲的” “无聊的”,例如That joke/excuse/party was lame.

lame duck字面意思是“瘸鸭子🦆”,它表示“不中用的人/物”,这里The company became a lame duck时说这个公司的前景黯淡,不景气。lame duck也常用来表示“因任期将满而没有实权的官员或政府”。

3⃣️ There isn't enough room to swing a cat in his flat.(p142空间)

There isn't enough room to swing a cat字面意思是“连甩猫🐱的空间都没有”,这个表达可以用来形容空间很小。类似的常见表达还有packed in like sardines。


4⃣️ She was a child film star but was already a has-been by the age of twenty. (p144时间)

has-been是现在完成时的形式,这个词可以用来表达“过气的人物”。若是复出,“东山再起”的话,我们可以用make/stage a comeback。《老友记》Phoebe的扮演者Lisa Kudrow之前就拍了一个叫The Comeback的电视剧,其中是这样介绍的:

The series initially follows Valerie Cherish (Kudrow), a veteran sitcom actress who has been out of the spotlight for more than a decade, as she attempts in 2005 to return to the industry that made her famous. Valerie lands a role on a new network sitcom called Room and Bored, but struggles with the matter of being an aging, non-influential performer in an increasingly youthful Hollywood, while her every move on and off the set is being documented for a companion reality show.

5⃣️ When I was a child, gentlemen used to raise their hats to female acquaintances on the street and I was taught to mind my P's and Q's and to give up my seat for my elders and betters on the bus. (p148礼仪举止)

mind one's P's and Q's,“注意你的p和q”


6⃣️ I think I'm off the hook / in the clear / out of the wood(s) now. (p162困难/困境/障碍)

off the hook, in the clear, out of the woods这三个表达在《小屁孩日记》中都出现过,本期读书会书目Born a Crime中也出现了。读到这个表达的时候想到Troy在微博上发的旅行图片:

7⃣️ A few months ago hardly anyone had heard of her but now she's the toast of Hollywood. (p174称赞与表扬)

toast本身是“吐司”🍞的意思,它还可以表示“祝酒”。be the toast of something指的是“深受敬慕的人” -- 太优秀了,所有人都会为你举杯敬酒。



