外科病理学实践:诊断过程的初学者指南 | 第9章 肝

Diseases of hepatocytes: the viral hepatitides, autoimmune hepatitis, steatohepatitis and alcoholic disease, and drug toxicity
Diseases of the biliary system: autoimmune biliary diseases (primary sclerosing cholangitis and primary biliary cirrhosis), obstruction, atresia, transplant rejection, GVHD, and drugs
Diseases of the vasculature: transplant rejection, GVHD, and systemic vasculitides
肝细胞成分(Hepatocellular compartment)
Portal inflammation: Inflammatory cells are present within the portal tract. In chronic hepatitis and autoimmune disorders, the infiltrate is predominantly mononuclear.
Interface activity (periportal hepatitis, piecemeal necrosis): Inflammation, usually lymphocytic, occurs in the limiting plate. This looks like portal inflammation spilling out into the hepatocytes (Figure 9.3). Note that the word activity when describing something in the liver does not mean neutrophils.

Lobular inflammation: Inflammation, usually chronic, and/or necrosis of the hepatocytes are at a distance from the portal tracts. Also called spotty necrosis, this appears as little clusters of lymphocytes destroying individual hepatocytes out in the lobules. Do not count lymphocytes in the sinuses, which are physiologic.
Vacuolar degeneration (balloon cell change): This is one way in which hepatocytes can die. The cytoplasm swells and becomes feathery and pale.
Acidophilic bodies: This is another way in which hepatocytes die. These cells are similar to dyskeratotic cells in the skin; they are bright pink, rounded up, with pyknotic nuclei.
Fibrosis: Fibrosis is a general term indicating too much collagen. Fibrosis begins as an increase in collagen around the portal tract (portal fibrosis), and eventually spreads to connect adjacent portal tracts or central veins by thin webs of collagen (bridging fibrosis). The end stage of the process is cirrhosis, which is the division of the liver into individual nodules separated by thick bands of fibrosis (Figure 9.4).

Steatosis: Steatosis literally means fat in the hepatocytes. Steatosis can be physiologic in small amounts (< 5%), but 30%–60% involvement is considered moderate steatosis. Over 60% involvement is marked or severe disease. Macrovesicular steatosis means large single vacuoles in each hepatocyte and is typical of fatty liver, alcoholic disease, and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Pure microvesicular steatosis looks like foamy cytoplasm and is characteristic of mitochondrial injury such as in Reye’s syndrome.
Steatohepatitis: Steatohepatitis is steatosis plus inflammation or injury. Neutrophils are not necessary for the diagnosis, but some evidence of hepatocyte injury is (Figure 9.5). This includes lobular inflammation, hepatocyte necrosis, pericellular fibrosis, balloon cells, and Mallory’s hyaline (see below).

Mallory’s hyaline (Mallory bodies): Mallory bodies are irregular worm-like pink blobs of condensed cytoskeleton in the cytoplasm, especially within balloon cells (Figure 9.6). They are associated with steatohepatitis, especially alcoholic disease.

Megamitochondria: Megamitochondria are markedly enlarged mitochondria, which look like red blood cells entrapped in the hepatocyte cytoplasm.
Iron accumulation: Abnormal levels of iron are detected with either hematoxylin and eosin or iron stain. If severe, iron accumulation may indicate hemochromatosis or be secondary to other hepatocellular processes.
胆成分(Biliary compartment)
Cholestasis: Cholestasis is the backup of bile in the liver. This may be caused by ext rahepatic obstruction to flow, intrahepatic biliary disease, or impaired excretion by the hepatocytes themselves.
Bile duct proliferation: An increase in the number of bile duct profiles occurs in each portal tract; on average, there should be one to two per tract. Many of the new ductules are small, peripheral, and poorly formed. Bile duct proliferation occurs as a response to obstruction to flow. Other findings in obstruction include visible bile in hepatocytes or canaliculi, edema and inflammation (especially acute) in the portal tracts, eventually ductular atrophy, and finally widespread fibrosis (Figure 9.7).

Bile duct injury: Bile duct injury is identified by lymphocytes in the bile duct epithelium and vacuolar degeneration or dropout of the epithelial cells. The end stage is ductopenia. Injury to the bile ducts can indicate a biliary disease, such as autoimmune (primary biliary cirrhosis) or rejection. Bile duct injury is usually patchy, so multiple portal tracts must be examined.
Ductopenia: Ductopenia is loss of bile ducts, an indicator of chronic damage to the biliary system. Recognizing ductopenia, a diagnosis of absence, requires a conscious effort to look for bile ducts. Finding a bile duct in less than 80% of the portal tracts is abnormal.
血管成分(Vascular compartment)
Venulitis (endothelitis): Venulitis is damage to the endothelium of the portal or central veins by inflammatory cells. It is usually an indication of rejection or GVHD.
Extramedullary hematopoiesis: Hematopoietic precursors (megakaryocytes are the most distinctive) are present in the liver sinuses. It is generally an indication of bone marrow disease (but is physiologic in fetuses and infants).
Acute cellular rejection: Acute rejection usually occurs 5–30 days after transplant, but can be longer. Changes include the following:
Mixed portal tract inflammation, including lymphocytes, neutrophils, and eosinophils
Bile duct inflammation and damage (Figure 9.8)

Chronic rejection: Chronic rejection usually occurs after more than 1 year. Changes are primarily those of ductopenia and fibrosis.
Primary biliary cirrhosis (occurs much more often in women than in men):
Primary biliary cirrhosis is a chronic destructive intrahepatic cholangitis (inflammation of the intrahepatic bile ducts).
Cirrhosis is an end-stage feature.
It is associated with antimitochondrial antibody.
Findings are nonspecific and patchy but include inflammation and injury to the bile ducts, especially granulomatous, followed by proliferation and cholestasis, then eventually ductopenia and cirrhosis (Figure 9.9).

The etiology is direct damage to bile duct epithelium.
Primary sclerosing cholangitis (occurs more often in men than in women):
Primary sclerosing cholangitis is an inflammatory disease of the extrahepatic (and large intrahepatic) ducts.
It leads to patchy stricturing lesions, visible on cholangiogram.
It is associated with inflammatory bowel disease and p-ANCA.
The histologic picture is also nonspecific but dominated by ductular proliferation and cholestasis.
The etiology is unknown but may be a fibrotic process of the connective tissue surrounding the bile ducts, causing secondary stricture and damage.
Focal nodular hyperplasia: Focal nodular hyperplasia is essentially an island of cirrhosis occurring in the background of a noncirrhotic liver. This is not a clonal process, so there is more than one cell type; in addition to hepatocytes are bile ducts and fibrous septae. There is no capsule but sometimes a central scar. The lesion is composed of nodules divided by bands of fibrosis and thick vessels.
Adenoma: Adenomas are benign clonal neoplasms. They occur mainly in noncirrhotic livers of adult women taking oral contraceptive pills. Adenomas are circumscribed, partially encapsulated masses of uniform, bland-looking hepatocytes with no central veins or bile ducts (although there are diffuse prominent arterioles). The cells may be pale due to steatosis or glycogen or discolored with bile (which has no place to go). When visualized with reticulin stain, the hepatocyte plates are still only one to two cells thick (every cell touches reticulin).
Well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma: Well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) can be very difficult to distinguish from an adenoma histologically. However, HCC generally occurs in the setting of cirrhosis, unlike the adenoma. As with an adenoma, there are no bile ducts or central veins, and you may see intracellular bile (Figure 9.10). Nuclei may be large, hyperchromatic, and irregular. A reticulin stain shows a breakdown in architecture, and plates may be three or more cells in thickness.

Poorly differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma: Poorly differentiated HCC can be very pleomorphic and hard to identify as hepatic. The presence of bile, if any, is still a give away.
Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma: Fibrolamellar HCC is a variant of well-differentiated HCC occurring in children and young adults. It is typified by oncocytic cells with prominent nucleoli in a dense fibrotic stroma.
Bile duct adenoma: A bile duct adenoma is usually<1 cm and subcapsular (often sampled on frozen section), with a tangle of small simple tubules, with or without inflammation and fibrosis. It may produce mucin but not bile. Think of this as a benign biliary epithelial neoplasm (Figure 9.11).
胆管腺瘤:胆管腺瘤通常<1 cm且为被膜下(通常在冰冻切片上取样),伴简单小管的缠结,伴或不伴炎症和纤维化。它可能产生黏液,但不产生胆汁。将其视为良性胆管上皮肿瘤(图9.11)。

Bile duct hamartoma: Also called von Meyenburg complex, a bile duct hamartoma is also usually < 1 cm and subcapsular (often sampled on frozen section). However, it generally shows more dilated and angular tubules in a loose connective tissue stroma and often produces bile. Think of this as a disordered reduplication of the portal tract. The consequences of confusing the hamartoma with the adenoma are minimal.
胆管错构瘤:也称为von Meyenburg复合体,胆管错构瘤通常也是<1 cm且位于包膜下(通常在冰冻切片上取样)。然而,它通常显示出更扩张的和成角的小管,位于疏松的结缔组织间质中,并且经常产生胆汁。将其视为汇管区的无序重复。将错构瘤与腺瘤混淆的后果很轻微。
Cholangiocarcinoma: Cholangiocarcinoma is a primary malignancy of the bile ducts that appears as a nondescript adenocarcinoma infiltrating the liver. There is no definitive way to distinguish it from a metastatic lesion except by history. Although bile is not present in a cholangiocarcinoma, mucin is common, as is an intense desmoplastic response (Figure 9.12).

Vascular lesions
Cavernous hemangiomas are benign vascular lesions.
Epithelioid hemangioendotheliomas have a low malignant potential.
Angiosarcomas are malignant.