make sure与be sure 的区别

Ⅰ. be sure指某人对某事或对某种情况有把握,常译为:“确信”;

make sure 指“务必、务请、确保”将某事弄清楚。如:

① I am sure that he is honest.我相信他是诚实的。

② I have made sure that he is honest.我已了解清楚他是诚实的。

Ⅱ. 二者后面均可接of 或about 引出的短语。如:

① I am sure of success

= I am sure that I will succeed.我深信会成功。

② Will you make sure of his return?

= Will you make sure that he returned?请你查明他是否真的回来了。好吗?

Ⅲ. make sure 后面的that 从句一般不用或很少用将来时;

be sure 后面的that从句则可用将来时。如:

① Make sure that you come here beforefive. 你一定要在5点前来。

② I am sure that he will come.我相信他一定会来的。

Ⅳ. 两者后面接不定式,均表示“一定要做某事”,但make sure通常只用于祈使句;

而be sure 则不受限制。如:

① Make sure to come to party on time.一定要准时来参加晚会。

② He is sure to call you up.他准会给你打电话的。

