
Unit 10: If you go to the party, you’llhave a great time!





1.      If+一般现在时(肯/否),一般将来时。如:

If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will have a picnic in the picnic.

If you come to QHD, I will invite you to my home.

2.      If +一般现在时(肯/否),情态动词的句子。如:

If I know English, I can live in the USA.

3.      If+一般现在时(肯/否),祈使句。如:

If you can’t answer the question, stand up, please.




Unless you study hard, you will have a poor grade.

= If you don’t study hard, you will have a poor grade.

(三)if条件句和or/ and的句型相互转换。

1. If you don’t get up early, you will be late for class.

= Get up early, or you will be late for class.

2. If you get up early, you will arrive at school early,

= Get up early, and you will arrive at school early.


1. advice, advise

Advice意为“建议”。是不可数名词,不能用an修饰,只能说someadvice, a piece of advice.

Advise是动词,组成固定短语:advisesb. to do sth.建议某人做某事。如:Iadvised you to study hard.

2. solve, solution

Solve意为“解决”,是动词,如:solvea problem.

Solution意为“解决办法”,是名词,如:solution to a problem.


1.        wear jeans to the party穿牛仔裤去聚会

2.        take the bus to the party从公交车去聚会

3.        talk about…谈论……

4.        have a class party/ meeting举行班里的聚会/班会

5.        plan to do sth.计划做某事

6.        on Friday evening在周五晚上

7.        leave early早走

8.        ask sb. to do sth.让某人做某事

9.        order food点菜/饭

10.    order sb. to do sth.命令某人做某事

11.    study for my English exam为我的英语考试学习

12.    too long太长时间

13.    make friends交朋友

14.    go to the movies去看电影

15.    finish doing sth.结束做某事/做完某事

16.    go to college去上大学

17.    travel around the world环游世界

18.    be famous for…因为…而出名

19.    be famous as…做为…而出名

20.    make a lot of money挣很多钱

21.    get an education受教育

22.    have problems (with)…在…方面有问题,有困难

23.    keep …to oneself保守秘密

24.    have a lot of worries有很多担心/总是很担心

25.    be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事

26.    be afraid of doing sth.害怕做某事

27.    each day每一天

28.    in the end=at last=finally 最后

29.    in hlaf分成两半

30.    by doing sth.通过做某事

31.    be halfway to doing sth.做了….的一半

32.    have a lot of experience有很多经验

33.    solution to problems问题的解决办法

34.    visit an old people’s home拜访敬老院

35.    stay out在外闲逛

36.    worry about sb.担心某人

37.    school clean-up学校大扫除

38.    miss all the fun错过所有好玩的事

39.    all weekend整个周末

40.    agree with sb.同意某人


1.      Who will you go with?你将和谁一起去?

2.      Half the class won’t come.半个班的学生不会来。

3.      Some students will be bored.一些学生会感到无聊。

4.      They will be too lazy to cook.他们太懒了不做饭。

5.      Can you give me some adviceplease?你能给我一些建议吗?

6.      Problems and worries are normalin life.在生活中困难和担心是正常的。

7.      Unless we talk to someone, wewill certainly feel worse.除非我们和别人谈一谈,否则我们很容易变更糟。

8.      He thinks the first step is tofind someone you trust to talk to.他认为每步是找到你信任的人并和他聊聊。

9.      You are halfway to solving a problem.你已经解决了问题的一半。


