h0.txt:ITU P.839.4 所附带的数据文件,包含有高于平均海平面的年平均0°C等温线数据。R001.TXT:ITUP.837.7 所附带的数据文件,包含有超过年平均降雨率0.01%的年降雨率数据。TOPO.dat:ITUP.1511 所附带的数据文件,包含有海拔数据,完成上述工作后,打开EXCEL文件,输入经纬度后,点击获取数据即可。注:程序主要示范精确取值功能,因此对所有非网格点数据均采用双插值四点法取值推算,ITU P.1511建议处理海拔数据采用双三插值16点法取值推算。
Public Bilinear_value As DoublePublic Function Bilinear(Row_int,Column_int, Row_frac, Column_frac, Step_1, File_name_1)Dim Diff_row, Diff_col As DoubleDiff_row = Row_int - Row_fracDiff_col = Column_int - Column_fracOpen File_name_1 For Input As #1'第一种情况,纬度和经度符合数据库间距,可定位至一个点,直接取该点的值If Diff_row = 0 And Dif_Col = 0 ThenFor i = 1 To Column_int - 1Bilinear_value = Val(test)'第二种情况,纬度符合数据库间距,可定位至两个点,取值并计算For i = 1 To Column_int - 1Bilinear_value = Data(1, 1) * (Diff_col + 1) + Data(1, 2) * (-Diff_col)'第三种情况,经度符合数据库间距,可定位至两个点,取值并计算For i = 1 To Column_int - 1For i = 1 To Column_int - 1Bilinear_value = Data(1, 1) * (Diff_row + 1) + Data(2, 1) * (-Diff_row)'第四种情况,都不符合数据库间距,定位至四个点,取值并计算For i = 1 To Column_int - 1For i = 1 To Column_int - 1Bilinear_value = Data(1, 1) * (Diff_row + 1) * (Diff_col + 1) + Data(2,1) * (-Diff_row) * (Diff_col + 1) + Data(1, 2) * (1 + Diff_row) * (-Diff_col) +Data(2, 2) * (-Diff_row) * (-Diff_col)'----修改编辑完成后将下列行替换 Sub 数字地图取值()并将文件另存为 新文件名如 数字地图取值1.0Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Dim Row_int_index, Column_int_index,Row_frac_index, Column_frac_index, Lat, Lon, Lat_trans, Lon_trans, Step AsDoubleIf Lat > 90 Or Lat < -90 ThenElseIf Lon > 180 Or Lon < -180 ThenRow_frac_index = (90 - Lat_trans) / Step +1Row_int_index = Fix((90 - Lat_trans) /Step) + 1Column_frac_index = Lon_trans / Step + 1Column_int_index = Fix(Lon_trans / Step) +1Call Bilinear(Row_int_index,Column_int_index, Row_frac_index, Column_frac_index, Step, File_name)降雨高度.Value = Int(Bilinear_value *1000) / 1000If Bilinear_value = -100 ThenRow_frac_index = (90 + Lat_trans) / Step +1Row_int_index = Fix((90 + Lat_trans) /Step) + 1Column_frac_index = Lon_trans / Step + 1Column_int_index = Fix(Lon_trans / Step) +1File_name = 'C:\R001.txt'Call Bilinear(Row_int_index,Column_int_index, Row_frac_index, Column_frac_index, Step, File_name)降雨量.Value = Int(Bilinear_value *1000) / 1000If Bilinear_value = -100 ThenRow_frac_index = (90 - Lat_trans) / Step +3Row_int_index = Fix((90 - Lat_trans) /Step) + 3Lon_trans = Lon - 0.04166 + 180Column_frac_index = Lon_trans / Step + 3Column_int_index = Fix(Lon_trans / Step) +3File_name = 'C:\TOPO.dat'Call Bilinear(Row_int_index,Column_int_index, Row_frac_index, Column_frac_index, Step, File_name)海拔高度.Value = Int(Bilinear_value) /1000如果大家有问题或者是有不懂得方面欢迎私信一起讨论~