

1.As COVID-19 has hitchhiked  /ˈhɪtʃhaɪkt/ around the globe, causing lockdowns, pneumonia and fear, scientists have been racing to determine where the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has come from.

2.Blood from recovered coronavirus patients could be used in a vital stop-gap treatment to help protect humanity from the COVID–19 pandemic currently spreading around the world, researchers propose.

3.Groups that are not suitable to receive the vaccines  include pregnant women, lactating women and patients with some diseases. These patients are those in the acute stage of fever and infection, suffering from immune deficiency or immune disorder, having severe liver or kidney diseases, having uncontrolled hypertension, diabetic complications or malignant tumors.


  1. spark alarm引起恐慌

  2. pass from person to person//spread between people

  3. `` add weight to the theory/idea that 证实了某一观点

  4. be spread by the transmission of //be transmitted via```

  5. confirmed cases

  6. suspected cases

  7. category B infectious disease

  8. incubation period潜伏期

  9. virus carrier

  10. asymptomatic carrier

  11. super spreader

  12. droplet transmission飞沫传播

  13. aerosol transmission气溶胶传播

  14. mode of transmission

  15. route of transmission

  16. host

  17. affected area

  18. epidemic prevention and control

  19. nucleic acid testing 核酸检测

  20. be discharged from medical observation

  21. wear a mask 戴口罩

  22. disinfection消毒

  23. avoid crowds

  24. health declaration form

  25. fever clinic

  26. designated hospitals定点医院

  27. intensive care unit(ICU)

  28. protective suit

  29. disposable gloves一次性手套

  30. Public health emergency of international concern

  31. outbreak爆发,sporadic散发,epidemic流行,pandemic大流行,endemic地方流行

  32. heighten public awareness of``

  33. As of···截止到

  34. health authorities

