




  • 清洁能力研究;

  • 风险评估及风险控制;

  • 技术和组织控制;

  • 设定HBELs

  • 分析程序;及

  • 清洁确认,并通过统计学评价证实清洁能力。













  • 化学结构;

  • 危害识别

  • 作用方式;

  • 关键影响识别;

  • 建立无可见不良作用水平(NOAELs);

  • 调整因子;

  • 临床前、临床及非临床资料;

  • 药代动力学及药效学;

  • 专家评估;

  • 关键影响识别;

  • 调整系数(AF)的分配;

  • 论证选定的HBEL;

  • 给药途径;

  • 偏离点(POD);

  • POD 的关键影响论证;以及

  • 因子的论证。


Working document QAS/20.849


May 2020




Points to consider on the different approaches – including HBEL – to establish carryover limits in cleaning validation for identification of contamination risks when manufacturing in shared facilities


1. Introduction and background


2. Scope


3. Glossary


4. Traditional approach


5. New approaches


6. References


1. Introduction and background


The World Health Organization (WHO) has published the guideline entitled Good Manufacturing Practices for pharmaceutical products: main principles in the WHO Technical Report Series, No. 986, Annex 2, 2014 (1).

WHO 于 2014 年 TRS 986 附录 2 发布了题为“药品 GMP:主则”的指南。

The WHO Supplementary guidelines on good manufacturing practice: validation were published in 2006 and were supported by seven appendices. In 2019, the WHO Good manufacturing practices: guidelines on validation (2) were updated and republished. Some of the seven appendices were also individually updated between 2013 and 2019:

WHO 的“GMP 补充指南:验证”于 2006 年发布,有 7 个附录作为支持文件。2019 年, WHO 的“GMP:验证指南”进行了更新并重新发布。7 个附录中有几个分别于 2013 年和 2019 年进行了更新。

  • Appendix1. Validation of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (3).

  • 附录1  HVAC 系统的验证(3)

  • Appendix2. Validation of water systems for pharmaceutical use (4).

  • 附录2  制药用水系统的验证(4)。

  • Appendix3. Cleaning validation (5).

  • 附录3  清洁验证(5)。

  • Appendix4. Analytical procedure validation (6).

  • 附录4。分析方法验证(6)。

  • Appendix5. Validation of computerized systems (7).

  • 附录5计算机化系统验证)。

  • Appendix6. Guidelines on qualification (8).

  • 附录6  确认指南(8)。

  • Appendix7. Non-sterile process validation (9).

  • 附录7  非无菌工艺验证(9)。

Appendix 3, relating to cleaning validation (5), was not updated at that time. Its revision, however, was discussed during an informal consultation held in Geneva, Switzerland, in July 2019. The outcome of the discussion was presented to the WHO Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Products (ECSPP) meeting in October 2019. The ECSPP acknowledged the importance of harmonization in regulatory expectations with regards to cleaning validation approaches. The Expert Committee recommended a “Points to consider” document be prepared in order to describe the current approaches used in cleaning validation and highlighting the complexities involved in order to establish a common understanding. A revision of the relevant appendix would then be considered by the Expert Committee thereafter.

与清洁验证有关的附录 3 当时未更新。但在 2019 年 7 月瑞士日内瓦的非正式沟通期间对其修订进行了讨论,讨论结果于 2019 年 10 月提交给了 ECSPP 会议。ECSPP 了解清洁验证方法的监管要求保持一致的重要性,因此专家委员会建立起草一份“考量要点”文件,以阐述当前清洁验证中所用方法,强调其所涉及的复杂性,以求对此达成共识。鉴于此,专家委员会随后考虑要对相关附录进行修订。

Many manufacturers produce products in multi-product facilities where there is a risk of contamination and cross-contamination. Some of the main principles of good manufacturing practices (GMP) include the prevention of mix-ups and the prevention of contamination and cross-contamination. It is therefore important that manufacturers identify all risks for contamination and cross-contamination and identify and implement the appropriate controls to mitigate these risks. These controls include, for example, technical and organizational measures, dedicated facilities, closed systems, cleaning and cleaning validation.

许多生产商会在多产品设施中生产多个产品, 这时就会存在污染和交叉污染的风险。优良生产规范(GMP)的一些重要原则包括有防止混淆和防止污染与交叉污染,因此生产商识别所有污染与交叉污染,识别实施适当控制措施以降低这些风险就非常重要。这些控制措施包括例如技术和组织措施、使用专用设施、封闭系统、清洁和清洁验证

2. Scope


The scope of this document is to discuss the different possible approaches – including methods that account for pharmacological and toxicological data (Health-Based Exposure Limits {HBEL}) – that could be used when establishing safe Carryover limits when manufacturing in shared facilities.


This document further provides clarification on cleaning validation and presents points to consider when reviewing the current status and approaches to cleaning validation in multiproduct facilities. It reflects the current regulatory guidance and expectations. It further focuses on approaches where HBELs setting need to be considered in cleaning and cleaning validation approaches.


The principles should be applied in manufacturing facilities with active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and finished pharmaceutical products (FPPs).


This document should be read in conjunction with the main GMP text and supplementary texts on validation (1-10).


3. Glossary


cleaning validation. Documented evidence to establish that cleaning procedures are removing residues to predetermined levels of acceptability, taking into consideration factors such as batch size, dosing, toxicology and equipment size.


contamination. The undesired introduction of impurities of a chemical or microbiological nature, or of foreign matter, into or on to a starting material or an intermediate or pharmaceutical product during handling, production, sampling, packaging, repackaging, storage or transport.


cross-contamination. Contamination of a starting material, intermediate product or finished product with another starting material or product during production.


margin of safety. The margin of safety is the distance between a calculated acceptance limit and the actual residues after cleaning. It indicates the probability that a patient has to be exposed to the API residues resulting from cleaning.

安全空间:安全空间是计算出的可接受限度与清洁之后实际残留之间的差距。它显示的是患者必须暴露于清洁引起的 API 残留的可能性。

maximum safe Carryover (MSC). Mathematically calculated quantity of residue from a previous product when carried over into a different product that can represent potential harm to the patients.


maximum safe surface residue (MSSR). The maximum safe surface residue is mathematically calculated dividing the quantity of residue on a contact surface by the total area of contact (Maximum Safe Carryover/Total Equipment Surface Area).


verification. The application of methods, procedures, tests and other evaluations, in addition to monitoring, in order to determine compliance with GMP principles.

确认:在常规监测以外,使用方法、程序、检测和其它评估确定是否符合 GMP 原则

4. Traditional approach


For details on the traditional approaches in cleaning validation, see the WHO Technical Report Series, No. 1019, Annexure 3, Appendix 3, 2019 (5).


One traditional approach is that cleaning validation is performed and the appropriateness of the cleaning procedure was based on acceptance criteria suggested in GMP texts. This approach may no longer be acceptable and justifiable as HBELs were not considered.


Where traditional acceptance limits are used, the decision should be discussed and justified as an alternative to new approaches in setting acceptance criteria.


In view of the risks of contamination and cross-contamination, the new approaches, as described below, should be implemented without delay.


5. New approaches


Traditional cleaning validation approaches were often based on verifying that a cleaning procedure was effective. However, in many instances, no development work or cleanability studies were performed for these cleaning procedures.


Manufacturers should ensure that their cleaning is effective and appropriate and that their cleaning validation provides scientific evidence that identified products can be manufactured in shared facilities


– with control measures implemented to mitigate the risks of contamination and cross-contamination.


This approach should include at least the following points which are further described in the text below:


  • cleanability studies;

  • 清洁能力研究;

  • risk assessment and riskcontrol;

  • 风险评估及风险控制;

  • technical andorganizational controls;

  • 技术和组织控制;

  • HBELs setting;

  • 设定HBELs

  • analytical procedures;and

  • 分析程序;及

  • cleaning verificationwith proven capability through statistical evaluation.

  • 清洁确认,并通过统计学评价证实清洁能力。

Manufacturers should describe their policy and approaches, including the points mentioned above, in a document such as a master plan.


It is strongly recommended that manufacturers review their existing technical and organizational measures, suitability of cleaning procedures and appropriateness of cleaning validation. Genotoxic and carcinogenic substances, degradants and other contaminants should be identified and the appropriate action should be taken in order to ensure that materials and products are not contaminated when produced in shared facilities.


5.1       Documentation


Risk management principles, as described in other WHO guidelines on quality risk management (10), should be applied to assist in identifying risks and controls to mitigate contamination and cross-contamination.


Procedures, protocols, reports and other related and supportive documentation should be prepared, used and maintained.


The policy and approaches in cleaning and cleaning validation may be described in a Cleaning Validation Master Plan. Experiments and validation should be performed in accordance with predefined, authorized standard operating procedures, protocols and reports.


The design and layout of documents, and the reporting of data and information, should be in compliance with the principles of good documentation practices (11) and should also meet data integrity requirements (12).


5.2       Equipment


Consideration for cleaning validation should cover contact surfaces, as well as non-contact surfaces, where the latter have been identified as areas of risk.


Authorized drawings of equipment should be current, accurate and available. These should be used when equipment surface areas are calculated. Source data for these calculations should be available. The calculated values should be used in the calculations in cleaning validation.


Equipment and components that are difficult to clean, such as sieves, screens and bags, should also be included in the cleaning validation and calculations.


5.3       Detergents and solvents


Solvents and detergents used in cleaning processes should be selected with care. They should also be appropriate for their intended use. The selection of the relevant solvent and detergent should be justified.


There should be proof of effectiveness and appropriateness of the selected solvent and detergent.


Other points to consider include the concentration in which these are used, their composition, and removal of their residues after cleaning.


The use of solvents and detergents should be included in cleanability studies.


5.4     Sampling


Traditionally, cleaning validation included the sampling of equipment and other areas in order to determine whether or not there was any residue remaining on the surfaces. The focus was mainly on contact surface areas. Non-contact surface areas were sometimes considered by some manufacturers.


A combination of at least two or three sampling methods should be used. These include a combination of swab samples, rinse samples and visual inspection.


The appropriate sampling procedures and techniques should be selected and used to collect samples. These should be clearly described in procedures and protocols. The location (swab sample) and the manner in which the samples are collected should be clearly described and be scientifically justifiable.


The manner in which a rinse sample is collected should be described in detail. The procedure should be clear and unambiguous.


The manner in which samples collected are prepared for analysis should be appropriate and described in detail.


5.5       Cleanability studies


Before a cleaning procedure is validated and adopted for routine use, a cleanability study should be performed in order to determine the appropriateness of the procedure for removing material, product residue, cleaning agents and microorganisms.


The lowest concentration of a substance that can be removed by following the cleaning procedure should be established for different materials, intermediates and products on different materials of construction. The concentration can be expressed in mg/m2.


Cleanability studies should be described in authorised documents, such as protocols and procedures. The method should be scientific and may include spiking on coupons made from different materials of construction. The so-called beaker method, or other appropriate method, may be used.


Consideration should be given to all substances and different procedures where different processes or solvents are used, including different surface materials.


The results should be documented in authorized reports and used in further determinations, such as Maximum Safe Residue.


5.6       Risk assessment and risk control


Risk identification should be performed with a focus on the assessment of risks and defining and implementing controls to mitigate the risk of contamination and cross-contamination.


These should include technical and organization controls, including but not limited to, premises, equipment, utilities, containment, closed systems, cleaning and cleaning validation.


5.7       Technical and organizational controls


The appropriate technical and organizational controls should be defined and implemented.


Their appropriateness and effectiveness should be evaluated. Note: Cleaning and cleaning validation are considered additional and supplementary controls to technical and organizational controls.


Technical and organizational controls should be justifiable and clearly documented.


Technical controls, such as the design of the premises and utilities (e.g. heating, ventilation and air-conditioning {HVAC}, water and gas), should be appropriate for the range of products manufactured (e.g. pharmacological classification, activities and properties).


Organizational controls, such as dedicated equipment, procedural control, and campaign production, should be considered where appropriate as a means to reduce the risk of cross-contamination.


5.8       Health Based Exposure Limits (HBELs) setting


Manufacturers should establish, document and implement a company-wide policy on HBELs setting for shared facilities.


APIs and products manufactured in shared facilities should be reviewed based on scientific evidence in order to determine whether production and control activities in shared facilities may be considered acceptable or whether dedicated facilities are required for the production and control of identified products.


This is applicable to legacy products as well as the introduction of new products introduced into a facility through a change control procedure.


Procedures should be established and implemented describing how scientific data and toxicological information on HBELs should be obtained.


Data and information should be gathered and presented in a report. The data should be free from bias. Where this service is outsourced, the appropriate measures should be put in place in order to ensure that the data obtained are reliable. GMP requirements, such as vendor qualification, agreements and other related aspects, should be considered.


The report should include scientific detail, including information on:


  • chemicalstructure;

  • 化学结构;

  • hazardidentification;

  • 危害识别

  • modeof action;

  • 作用方式;

  • identificationof critical effects;

  • 关键影响识别;

  • establishingNOAELs (no-observed-adverse-effect level);

  • 建立无可见不良作用水平(NOAELs);

  • adjustmentfactors;

  • 调整因子;

  • pre-clinical,clinical and non-clinical data;

  • 临床前、临床及非临床资料;

  • pharmacokineticsand pharmacodynamics;

  • 药代动力学及药效学;

  • expertassessment;

  • 专家评估;

  • identificationof the critical effect;

  • 关键影响识别;

  • assignmentof adjustment factors (AF);

  • 调整系数(AF)的分配;

  • argumentationfor the selected HBEL;

  • 论证选定的HBEL;

  • routesof administration;

  • 给药途径;

  • pointof departure (POD);

  • 偏离点(POD);

  • justificationfor critical effect of POD; and

  • POD 的关键影响论证;以及

  • justificationfor factor.

  • 因子的论证。

The Permitted Daily Exposure (PDE) should be calculated based on the data and information obtained. For example:


Where NOAEL is no-observed adverse event level, and

其中 NOAEL 为无明显不良作用水平

F represents various factors. The value selected should be justifiable.


The report should be reviewed by the manufacturer’s in-house team for completeness and appropriateness. Team members should have the appropriate qualifications and experience in the field of toxicology. A summary report should be prepared for each product and contain information on the PDE value, genotoxicity and carcinogenicity (13).

生产商的内部团队应审核报告的完整性和恰当性。团队成员应具备适当的毒理学领域资质和经验。应为每个产品制作一份总结报告,在其中包括 PDE 值、毒性和致癌性方面的信息。

These scientific reports should be used when considering the cleaning validation control measures.


Manufacturers should periodically review and update PDE reports. The appropriate action should be taken where such a report needs to be updated.

生产商应定期审核并更新其 PDE 报告。在需要对此类报告进行更新时应采取适当措施。

5.9       Acceptance criteria


Limits established in cleaning validation should be justifiable.


Manufacturers often specified acceptance limits based on historical GMP texts. These traditional limits may no longer be acceptable as HBELs (PDE) and cleanability studies were not performed in many cases.

生产商通常会根据历史的 GMP 要求规定可接受限度。这种传统的限度可能不再可以接受,因其在很多情况下未使用 HBEL 和清洁能力研究。

Criteria such as Margin of safety, Maximum Safe Carryover (MSC) and Maximum Safe Surface Residue (MSSR) values should be calculated. Calculations and data should be available and comply with data integrity principles. The calculation should include values of PDE, maximum daily dose, batch size and equipment surface areas.

应计算出标准值如安全空间、最大安全残留(MSC)和最大安全表面残留(MSSR)值。应可提供计算过程和数据,并应符合数据完整性要求。计算应包括 PDE 值、最大日给药剂量、批量和设备表面积。

Maximum Safe Surface Residue (MSSR) should be calculated and presented, for example, in table form listing preceding and following product values. The cleanability value obtained should be considered in determining the acceptability of the procedure(s) and whether other controls including separate, dedicated facilities are required. (See Annex 1 as an example.)

应计算并列明最大安全表面残留(MSSR) ,例如在表格中,写明前一产品和后一产品的各值。在确定清洁方法是否可接受,以及是否需要采取其它控制措施,包括分开生产设施或使用专用设施时, 应考虑研究所得的清洁能力值(参见附录 1 作为例子) 。

5.10 Grouping by therapeutic use


The risk associated with contamination and cross-contamination from one product to another product in one therapeutic group, and between products in different therapeutic groups in shared facilities, should be considered. For example, due to the risk, certain products should be manufactured in dedicated or segregated self-contained facilities, including certain antibiotics, certain hormones, certain cytotoxics and certain highly-active drugs – even though these are in the same therapeutic class.


The risk assessment should include, for example, PDE values, batch size, maximum daily dose of the next product, as well as other criteria associated with cleaning.

风险评估应包括例如 PDE 值、批量、下一产品的最大日给药剂量,以及与清洁有关的其它标准。

The higher the PDE value, the lower the risk. The products and therapeutic groups considered for manufacturing should be plotted based on an identified scale of risk (14, 15). An illustration is presented in figure 1 where hazard is plotted against risk

PDE 值越高,则风险越低。应根据所识别的风险规模规划产品和治疗组的生产。图 1中展示的是风险与危害的关系图

5.11 Analytical procedures


Samples obtained in cleaning validation should be analyzed by using specific, validated procedures. The procedures should be developed, validated and appropriate for their intended use.


Specific methods, such as HPLC, should be used where possible. Non-specific methods including UV spectrophotometry should only be used where specific methods cannot be employed.

应尽可能使用专属方法例如 HPLC。只能在没有专属性方法可用时方可使用非专属性方法包括 UV 分光光度法。

Testing for total organic carbon (TOC) may be used where indicated and where justified.


Analytical procedures validation should be done on-site. Where analytical procedures were developed and validated off-site, the scope and extent of validation should be defined and justified. This includes procedures that are transferred from research and development laboratories to site laboratories. (For analytical procedure validation, see reference 6).

分析方法应在工厂进行验证。如果分析方法不在工厂开发和验证,则应规定和论证验证范围和程度。其中包括将方法从研发实验室转移至工厂实验室。(分析方法验证参见参考文献 6)。

Manufacturers should ensure that the procedures remain in a validated state.


5.12 Data integrity


Data, information and results pertaining to, for example, HBELs, PDE reports, results obtained from cleaning validation and calculations should be scientific and should be in compliance with the principles as contained in data integrity guidelines (12).

关于例如 HBEL、 PDE 报告、清洁验证的结果和计算过程之类的数据、信息和结果应具有科学性,应符合数据完整性指南中的原则。

5.13 Cleaning validation and cleaning verification


The cleaning procedure should be validated after the cleaning procedure had been developed and the cleanability study had been done.


Cleaning validation should include proof of, for example, the applicability of the procedure to clean equipment that:


  • had been kept in an unclean state for a period of time (dirty equipment hold time);

  • 待清洁状态的保持时间(脏的保持时间);

  • are used after product change-over;

  • 更换产品后;

  • are used in a campaign, where multiple batches of a product are produced one after the other; and/or

  • 连续生产的设备,一个产品的多个批次连续生产;及/或

  • are stored in a clean state for defined periods of time (clean equipment hold time).

  • 洁净状态下存放一定时长(干净的保持时间)

Cleaning validation should include consideration of HBELs when the appropriate method used in establishing Carryover limits. Where HBELs are not used, scientific justification should be provided.

如果在建立残留限度时使用了适当的方法,则清洁验证应包括对 HBEL 的考量。如果未使用 HBEL,则应提供科学论证。

The company should describe the policy and approach to cleaning verification. The effectiveness of the validated cleaning procedure should be routinely verified. The approach may include swab or rinse samples. The results obtained from testing on a routine basis should be reviewed and subjected to statistical trending.


5.14 Visually clean


Visually clean is an important criterion in cleaning validation and should be one of the acceptance criteria used on a routine basis.


Visible residue limits (VRLs) should be determined. The process to determine the limit should be appropriately described in procedures and protocols including concentrations, method of spiking, surface areas, material of construction and other conditions such as light and angles.


VRLs should be quantitatively established for APIs, excipients, detergents and pharmaceutical products.

API、辅料、清洁剂和药品应建立定量 VRL。

Visual Detection Index (VDI) may be calculated using MSSR.

可使用 MSSR 计算目视检测指数(VDI)。

5.15 Cleaning verification and process capability


The cleaning procedure should remain in a validated state. Cleaning verification and process capability may be used to provide data to support this. For example, the results from cleaning verification sample analysis could be statistically trended. The capability of the cleaning process is then calculated through an appropriate statistical process.


The presentation of individual results and data used in the calculation, such as with a Central Processing Unit (Cpu) and acceptable daily exposure (ADE) base limit, should meet ALCOA principles.

计算中所用单个结果和数据,如集中处理单元(CPU)和可接受日暴露量(ADE)基本限度的表现形式应符合 ALCOA 原则。

Data should be presented, for example, in graph form, and the capability of the process in relation to control limits and the margin of safety should be discussed as part of continuous improvement.


5.16 Personnel


Personnel should be trained in the principles of cleaning validation, with an emphasis on contamination and cross-contamination control, HBELs setting, equipment disassembly, sampling, testing and statistical calculations.

人员应接受清洁验证原则的培训,重点要强调污染与交叉污染控制、 BEL 设置、设备组装、取样、检测和统计学计算。

5.17 Quality metrics and performance indicators


Aspects of HBELs setting, cleanability studies, cleaning validation and cleaning verification, as well as process capability, should be considered in quality metrics, with performance indicators identified and to be monitored.

HBEL 设置、清洁能力研究、清洁验证和清洁确认,以及工艺能力各方面均应在质量量度范畴内考量,同时识别出性能指标并进行监测。

5.18 Life cycle


HBEL reports, protocols, cleaning validation and cleaning verification should be included in a company policy and life cycle approach in preventing cross-contamination in shared facilities.

HBEL 报告、方案、清洁验证和清洁确认均应包括在公司防止共用设施的交叉污染的方针和生命周期方法中。



  • 专业的GMP合规性研究组织


  • 国内外制药行业GMP监管动态;


