
在刚过去不久的国际风湿界盛会——美国风湿病学会(ACR)年会上,中国智能疾病管理系统(Smart System of Disease Management,SSDM)因能降低患者的就医费用、提高疗效、改善用药安全、提高病人满意度而得到了极高的评价和认可。连续4天的正式会议中,SSDM先获得了ACR官网的报道,随后又做了口头发言,并在ACR媒体见面会上作为第一个推介项目发言,还应邀做为大会“特别壁报”进行巡讲。


(肖飞:再次感谢您参加今年ACR年会的新闻发布会。看来很多人对您的发现感兴趣,已经有关于您工作的文章发表出来了:Healio  Physician’s Briefing







根据美国风湿病学会年度会议上的研究结果,类风湿关节炎(rheumatoid arthritis,RA)患者通过一种新颖的移动应用程序向风湿病专家咨询,已被证实显著降低了医疗成本,并促进了更有效的疾病管理。

该研究的第一作者肖飞(医学博士,欣凯公司CEO)介绍了智能疾病管理系统(Smart System of Disease Management)的研究成果。他将其描述为一系列基于临床数据的应用,其中包括患者可在手机上使用的咨询工具。










肖飞说:“良好的疾病管理优于良药”(Good disease management is better than medicine)。

报道原文如下 ☟

SAN DIEGO — Consultation with rheumatologist via a novel, mobile application demonstrated significant health care cost savings for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, and encouraged more efficient disease management , according to findings presented at the American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting.

Fei Xiao, MD, CEO of Cinkate Corporation and a lead author of the study, presented findings for the Smart System of Disease Management. He described it as aseries of applications based on clinical data that include a consultation tool that patients may use from their mobile phones.

“Using this app, patients are able to participate in their own care,” he said.

The current study included information from 403 rheumatologists who provided researchers with data for 4,002 patients. The cohort was 42% patients with RA,21% with systemic lupus erythematosus, 11% with ankylosing spondylitis, 10% with gout, 5% with osteoarthritis, 3% with Sjögren’s syndrome and 7% with other rheumatic diseases.

Data were collected from February 2015 through June 2017 and included 293 consultations and 3,709 paid consultations. Of the paid consultations, 3,983 were text question-and-answer exchanges, while 19 were conducted using voice communications.

Patients paid a range of RMB 10 to 500 yuan (exchange rate, 1 U.S.dollar = 6.81 renminbi [RMB]) for consultations. Eachconsultation averaged 96.06 ± 38.61 yuan, which the researchers noted matched hospital registration fees. Consultation fees totaled 477,960 yuan RMB.

Xiao added that the app “encourages physicians to take pictures of patients to upload to a group network, building a network of knowledge.”

Another finding showed 35.3% of the cohort that received consultations on line were located in a different city than the rheumatologist. Xiao noted that seeking care in a hospital carried an overall cost of 565.17 ± 510.49 yuan, which included registration fees, medical expenses, transportation, accommodation and food costs, in addition to lost wages from work. When these cost for all patients were tallied, the total would have been 3,157,220 yuan RMB. This total cost was 6.61-times higher than would have been incurred via online consultation.Another way of reporting this figure is to say the app could save 84.86% of patient costs.

“The mobile app platform saved six-times the cost of care,” Xiao said.

Results of a patient survey indicated that all patients reported satisfaction, while 66.35 noted the online consultations left them “very satisfied.”

“Good disease management is better than medicine,” Xiao said. —by Rob Volansky


Xiao F, et al. Abstract 928. Presented at: American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting; Nov. 4-8, 2017; San Diego.

Disclosures: Xiao reports norelevant financial disclosures. Please see the full study for a complete list of all other authors’ relevant financial disclosures.

▷  2017美国风湿病大会,世界聚焦中国使用SSDM进行疾病管理的进展

▷  ACR 2017官方新闻发布会:iRheum(智能风湿)

▷ 【ACR 2017 | 壁报日】Poster Tour上中国SSDM再次成焦点

▷  从中国之夜到中国之日:首创“疾病管理是良药”革命理念


