326.文献摘读:Radiologic Mimics of Cirrhosis(2)


Pseudocirrhosis of Treated Breast Cancer Metastases to the Liver

A variety of hepatic contour changes can occur in breast cancer patients with metastases to the liver after chemotherapy including fine, diffuse nodularity that resembles cirrhosis (Fig. 1A, 1B), which is commonly referred to as “pseudocirrhosis”.

Fig. 1A ——62-year-old woman with breast cancer treated with chemotherapy. Axial contrast-enhanced CT image obtained after patient had received chemotherapy treatment shows diffuse surface nodularity in liver and recanalized umbilical vein (arrow); these findings are suggestive of cirrhosis.

Fig. 1B ——62-year-old woman with breast cancer treated with chemotherapy. Axial contrast-enhanced CT image obtained 6 months before A, which was before patient started chemotherapy, shows multiple hepatic metastases. Liver is otherwise normal. Setting of breast cancer metastases treated with chemotherapy indicates rapid development of diffuse changes seen in A likely represents pseudocirrhosis of treated breast cancer.


recanalized umbilical /ʌm'bɪlɪkl/ vein 脐静脉再通




