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A potential therapeutic strategy for prostatic disease by targeting the oral microbiome



2020-12-30, Review

Abstract & Authors:展开

Nowadays, human microbiome research is rapidly growing and emerging evidence has witnessed the critical role that oral microbiome plays in the process of human health and disease. Oral microbial dysbiosis has been confirmed as a contributory cause for diseases in multiple body systems, ranging from the oral cavity to the gastrointestinal, endocrine, immune, cardiovascular, and even nervous system. As research progressing, oral microbiome‐based diagnosis and therapy are proposed and applied, which may represent potential drug targets in systemic diseases. Recent studies have uncovered the possible association between periodontal disease and prostatic disease, suggesting new prevention and therapeutic treatment for the disease by targeting periodontal pathogens. Thus, we performed this review to first explore the association between the oral microbiome and prostatic disease, according to current knowledge based on published articles, and then mainly focus on the underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms and the potential prevention and treatment derived from these mechanistic studies.

First Authors:
Cheng Fang

Correspondence Authors:
Hailiang Hu,Xian‐Tao Zeng

All Authors:
Cheng Fang,Lan Wu,Cong Zhu,Wen‐Zhong Xie,Hailiang Hu,Xian‐Tao Zeng

