威尼斯绘画(1530年 - 1600年)

威尼斯绘画(1530年 - 1600年)图片来源于:互联网/文字由有道软件翻译仅参考这一时期的威尼斯绘画主要由提香(Tiziano)和三个活跃于当地和国际的家庭工作室主导:雅格布·丁托列托(Jacopo Tintoretto)、保罗·维罗纳(Paolo Veronese)和雅格布·巴萨诺(Jacopo Bassano)的工作室。维罗内塞以其和谐的装饰色彩和辉煌的幻觉效果而闻名。他的画赢得了提香的赞扬,他吸引了许多威尼斯政府的委托,包括总督宫殿的画。Venetian painting in this period was dominated by Titian (Tiziano) and three family workshops, active both locally and internationally: those of Jacopo Tintoretto, Paolo Veronese and Jacopo Bassano. Veronese was renowned for his harmonious and decorative colour and brilliant illusionistic effects. His paintings won Titian’s praise and he attracted many commissions from the Venetian state, including paintings for the Doge’s Palace.

The Good SamaritanJacopo Bassano

The Way to CalvaryJacopo Bassano

The Purification of the TempleJacopo Bassano and workshop

Christ as 'The Light of the World'Paris Bordone

The Adoration of the Name of JesusEl Greco

The Rape of GanymedeDamiano Mazza

The Death of EurydiceNiccolò dell'Abate

Saint JeromeGiovanni Girolamo Savoldo

Christ washing the Feet of the DisciplesJacopo Tintoretto

Portrait of Vincenzo MorosiniJacopo Tintoretto

Saint George and the DragonJacopo Tintoretto

The Adoration of the KingsPaolo Veronese

The Consecration of Saint NicholasPaolo Veronese

The Conversion of Mary MagdalenePaolo Veronese

The Dream of Saint HelenaPaolo Veronese

The Family of Darius before AlexanderPaolo Veronese

The Rape of EuropaPaolo Veronese

