
本文由 壹安设计 授权mooool发表,欢迎转发,禁止以mooool编辑版本转载。
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INLab :Xi’an, the ancient capital of the thirteen dynasties, still has a towering city wall. Each step corresponds to an ancient poem. All encompassing and inclusive, it has survived all the vicissitudes of life. Every stone slab and brick and tile are fixed and quietly staring at the non-stop flowing crowd in the modern city.

▼项目视频 Video


This case is located in Xi’an. As the first Jinlin series works of Newhope Real Estate entering Xi’an, it is an innovation and exploration of Oriental culture. The project is different from the magnificent style of the Tang Dynasty. It conveys the Oriental impression under the charm of the ancient capital in the dependence of forests and valleys, and constructs a modern residence like poetry and painting – “official and hidden, enter the temple and retreat into the mountains”. The demonstration area refers to the mountains, rivers, gullies and residential forests in other industries of Wangchuan to create a hermit’s place of “great seclusion in the world”. Living in the prosperous city, but also inhabiting the natural landscape.

▼平面图 Plan

▼ 生活景象 Life scene

大隐隐于朝 The best seclusion took place at court


As the first image of the project and the first facade connecting with the city, the front yard has the space conversion function of city and nature, noise and tranquility. Set off by the woods, I looked through the mottled shadows to the door of home. In terms of landscaping, it is hidden by stone and ancient trees. In terms of volume, we refer to the scale of the ancient city wall and build the gatehouse grid with Qin brick and Han tile. In terms of function, it is not only an indicative gate, but also has the function of municipal green corridor running through the top of the gate. Open the prelude to seclusion to nature, the bricks and tiles of Qin Dynasty and Han Dynasty change with light and shadow, bringing a colorful experience.

▼ 入口空间 The entrance space


The screen is extracted from the elements of “Qin brick and Han tile”, and the single grid facade adopts tile style,The two sections of the monomer are also designed with the pattern elements printed on Qin bricks, which are spliced alternately. The tiles form a vertical alternating standard section from top to bottom, and then the screen like standard sections are arranged horizontally to form a whole grid.

▼“秦砖汉瓦”的屏风 The screen of “Qin brick and Han tile”

林壑敛暝色 The woods and the valleys presented the evening scene


Through the screen door, we come to the second sequence – the forest and gully are gathering and the clouds are falling in the evening. Floating bridges, pine trees and falling stones are used to create the scenery of the island. The bottom of the water uses a black water board to express “the gurgling of water”. Through the floating bridge, the waterscape is the fluctuation under your feet, and the good landscape is within your reach. To express China’s entry into the WTO and forgetting worries — walking from the screen of Chang’an to the depths of the forest and gully.

倒影入清漪 With the reflections on the clear water


After the construction, the sunken courtyard is the climax of landscape design in the demonstration area. Architecture and landscape inlay, and create the beauty of balance and compatibility in opposition. The landscape is surrounded by buildings and modern glass curtain walls. Living in the building, you can watch the multi-storey forests in square inches from different angles. At the same time, the landscape painting in front of you can also enter the ancient pavilion through the Chang’an screen corridor on both sides, or the unique cave like a garden in the forest and gully mountains and rivers, which flows into the garden through the moving line integrated with the landscape.

▼下沉庭院俯瞰 Sunken courtyard overlooking


The grille on both sides is a horizontal folding structure simulating the screen painting “book survey map” of the Southern Tang Dynasty. It is also a joint R & D and design of INLab and Newhope according to the ancient window flowers and screens, and it is customized for the Jinlin series project in Xi’an for the first time. The grid adopts the design elements of the roof grid of Foguang temple in the Tang Dynasty for modern deduction. Each monomer is designed separately, and finally forms four styles, which are combined into a gradual standard section, so that different visual effects are presented from different perspectives, and gradually become transparent from both ends to the middle. The pace, light and shadow and sight bring infinite interest in refinement.

当轩对樽酒 Faced the window and had a drink


While completing the three-dimensional traffic transformation of space, the backyard is designed to use flowing springs to stack waterfalls and sit in ancient pavilions to show the sense that the square inch heaven and earth within the courtyard wall contains all phenomena, and use the sinking space to create the life intention of living around the land, enjoying living in the water and relaxing.

▼拾级而上到达古亭 Climb the stairs to the pavilion

▼流泉叠瀑 Flowing springs to stack waterfalls

古亭于景之中,也是达到了本案所传达的富贵山林、两得其趣的意境。也是表达了寄情于山水的精神意蕴。寻景探境之后,拾级而上至清闲幽静的归家之路。The ancient pavilion in the scenery also achieves the artistic conception of rich mountains and forests and getting their interests conveyed by this case. It also expresses the spiritual meaning of expressing affection for mountains and rivers. After looking for scenery and exploring the territory, pick up the level and go up to the leisure and quiet way home.▼坐落在山林中的古亭 An ancient pavilion nestled in a mountain forest

在本案探索的过程中,可借鉴的有古典园林、有多种结构手法,但不管是什么风格或风情的、我们最终希望在这林壑相依中,兼收并蓄地传达隐于心境的生活状态,并感染着我们的现代都市生活——昼出夜归、一代又一代。坐于亭中,原来心心念念的古城长安不在大雁塔的尖顶上,也不在兵马俑的盔甲下,而在园中,在我们的细碎平常里。In the process of exploring this case, we can learn from classical gardens and various structural techniques, but no matter what style or style,we finally hope to convey the hidden state of life in this forest and gully dependence, and infect our modern urban life – going out in the day and returning at night, generation after generation.Sitting in the pavilion, the ancient city Chang’an, which was originally worried about, was not on the spire of the wild goose pagoda, nor under the armor of the terracotta warriors and horses, but in the garden, in our daily life.项目名称:西安新希望·锦麟天玺 项目地点:西安市 景观面积:13091㎡ 设计时间:2020 业主单位:西安锦谦置业有限公司 景观设计:深圳市壹安设计咨询有限公司 建筑设计:柏涛品林(上海)建筑设计咨询有限公司 室内设计:深圳市矩阵室内装饰设计有限公司 景观施工:上海嘉来景观工程有限公司 景观软装:陌尚春耕 设计方:李昕、蒋萍、梁天才、安秋会、巨龙、雷涛、万语柔、刘万红、霍伟 业主方(景装中心):张继、吕昭玮、邹敏、唐静、张祖晋、罗浩、李秀 业主方(西安公司):陈金浩、熊波、华晓旭 景观摄影:支华士@壹迩、王骁 推广策划:壹迩Project: Xi’an Newhope·Cityvilla Location: Xi’an Landscape area: 13091 ㎡ Design time: 2020 Owner: Xi’an Jinqian Real Estate Co., Ltd Landscape design: IN lab(ShenZhen)Design Office CO.,Ltd Architectural design: PT&PL (Shanghai) Architectural design CO.,Ltd Interior design: Shenzhen matrix interior decoration design CO.,Ltd Landscape construction: Shanghai JiaLai Landscape Engineering Co., Ltd Landscape soft decoration: Mo Shangshai + TWINKLE Designer: Li Xin, Jiang Ping, Liang Tiancai, an Qiuhui, Julong, Lei Tao, Wan Yurou, Liu Wanhong, Huo Wei The owner (Jingzhuang Center): Zhang Ji, LV Zhaowei, Zou min, Tang Jing, Zhang zujin, Luo Hao, Li Xiu The owner (Xi’an Company): Chen Jinhao, Xiong Bo, Hua Xiaoxu Landscape Photography: Zhi-waltz @ E-ar, Wang Xiao Promotion planning: E-ar studio审稿编辑 任廷会 –  Ashley Jen更多 Read more about:  壹安设计 INLab



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