泼墨 手绘,画风超赞!

Haoxuan art is a platform for gathering friends through painting. There are weekly group work assignments to share with the group's painting achievements this week. No matter whether the works are good or not, they are not compared with each other. This is just a way to urge ourselves to be on the road of painting. In addition to weekly group work assignment sharing, haoxuan art will share 2 different types of wonderful painting articles and 1 model painting video every day. Strive to create a nutrient painting platform, like can click haoxuan art attention!

加拿大的一位名为格伦·罗纳德(Glen Ronald)的画家走红网络,格伦的绘画风格十分特别,他喜欢先把墨水倒在纸上,然后在任其泼洒,制造出一片“混沌”。紧接着,格伦在“混沌”中获得灵感,利用泼洒四溅的墨迹创作出一幅又一副的精美作品,令人赞叹不已。

